This piglet is definitely not the same size as my girl was or her litter! Could that be from the fact that she was inbred? (Boys have neuter apt for late April) she's a month old today and still so tiny!
We started muhsing food at 2 weeks and giving it 3x a day with milk the rest of the time. Should she be getting solids at every feed? How old does she need to be when I cut back her milk intake? When I feed her solids I cut it back so she doesn't get too bloated. I've only been mushing maybe 12...
Yep 3 weeks hahaha. Potbelly pigs are so little. Last year when my girl had hers I thought she would only have a few because I thought they were born the size of coke cans lol. She's the size she should be :) she may weigh right at 2 lbs. She doesn't sit still haha
So I caught her in the act. When she poops she rubs her butt in it, creating globs of dingle berries -_- I've spent so long trying to get the clump off of her tail. I got some, but not the main blob. I was using coconut oil to loosen it up. It's the less stressful way for her. Second time I've...
I've started her on a mix of formula and mushed pellets 3x a day with formula the rest of the time. Her poop has taken on a brown thick form, been sticking to her butt and tail (put coconut oil on it earlier to loosen it) her belly looks so bloated compared to the rest of her body. Is that...
Been having to take her with me twice a week since I'm away from home 5 hours. I think more people flock to see piglets than they do babies!!! And of course Pugsy ate up the attention. I've been heating rice socks for her. She is 2 weeks and 2 days old. I've been putting a few pellets of feed in...
Oh alright. Yesterday was the last day. I did the 5 day just to be sure. :) a pig friend of mine says she's doing great for 8 days old when he saw her.
Question because I'm constantly doubting my mixing abilities. The bag says to add 2.63 oz of dry formula to 16 oz of water. If I split that down to 4 oz of water is it correct that I'm only supposed to add 2/3 of an oz of formula? She drinks 8 oz in 24 hours usually.
Youre fine. I joined a fb group and have been messaging friends as well. They kept saying neck so i was really struggling with that. Yeah I skipped iron last litter as well. So how will I know if what she's having is considered normal vs scours? I know to look for toothpaste consistency but...
The vet gave us two but said we didn't have to give the second one. We skipped the second one tonight because it isn't something we have a handle on. I'm going to call a pig farmer I know tomorrow to see if he will do it. She's acting great. Eats incredibly. She doesn't poop but a few times a...
Another pic of cute little pig. We've decided to name her Pugsy Hope. Her eyes are cleared up. Her poop isn't quite as thick as it should be and her bottom has become irritated. I'm going to put some butt cream on it in hopes that it helps. She's doing great and doesn't even seem ill.