They're almost as big as momma now! <3 Olette is still my #1 girl lol. I'm the only person they're all comfortable enough to lay around. My stepdad says "they know who feeds them." I like to think I'm more than a food bank to them lol
Spot and Boots. Spots hair has begun coming back in. I guess maybe he lost it due to stress? We've had intense weather changes this year. Some days 70 next day 39. Hopefully he's done giving me a scare. Boots has the FUNNEST personality! She's such a trouble maker and loves annoying the rest of...
Okay yeah, we got our oldest 2 from an individual as babies and haven't brought in any new ones. And spot doesn't try to rub against me when I run his patchy areas
I use straw for warmth since it holds heat better, and hay for extra grain since grass is lacking. They're not itching at all when out so maybe it is just dry skin.
They get mazuri feed. I've been mixing youth and adult feed to help them keep on weight due to the super cold weather. They also get some mixed veggies, chicken, eggs, and sometimes apples. Alright I'll get some treatment for him. Should I treat the other two young ones as well? The have it...
I really don't know. All the babies have no hair around their eyes but Spot has bits missing from his sides. And he seems sadder than the rest. Could it be from them fighting? They're in the barn at night so I don't know how they get along away from us at bedtime. They're not itching a lot...
The piglets turned out great. We rehomed 3 of them. Still have 3, including the bottle baby. They're still so short lol. It's like none of the pigs have gotten any bigger. I'll take that advice of not worrying unless she's having it after she's back to herself. I just got stuck in the foot...
Haven't posted in a while. Having some problems with my girl. She had babies last summer, and hasn't since. She's in heat from the looks of it, but I've noticed she's had vaginal bleeding. She's had dozens of heat cycles and never bled so I'm assuming it is not normal :/ the only vet near me...
I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but I have a question regarding my 1 year old male. He's been releasing blood with semen when he gets his jolly's off. Is that normal for males to expel or could it be sexual frustration? (My male dog once peed blood and the vet said it's common with...
Thanks. I'm doing better :) just been too much going on but things are slowly getting better. I managed to wean Boots in just 2 days! I had meant for it to be a gradual thing but she only cried for her milk the first two days. By the third day she stopped squealing when I put the food down...
Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. Been battling some depression and working on some fanfic to help. The babies are 6 weeks as of wednesday! Time has flown by. I finally have bottle baby taking the milk out of a bowl. I'm unsure how to slowly wean her from it. And how long after having...
She acts totally fine otherwise. She only coughs and sneezes for a couple mins when she's done. It started from me feeding her inside the back room instead of isolated. I may pull her out again and see if it stops. I do have a question though. I left 2.5 dozen eggs out overnight on accident :/...
Thanks! I'm so glad we haven't lost any more! I'm doing this all on my own. Was supposed to have help, but schedules get crazy and everyone's out of town when something like this happens! I hope her sneezing/coughing fits are nothing serious after she eats. I'm terrified of them getting...