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  1. goatkind

    Anaphylactic Shock Close call in Goat

    Alright thank you all so much! I wasn't quite sure why she wasn't dead but I was grateful she wasn't because I thought it was the shock and I've never heard of medicine stinging. And I will be getting some ephenephrin. And yes I think she might have been being a little dramatic because that...
  2. goatkind

    Anaphylactic Shock Close call in Goat

    Hi, I just had a close call with anaphylactic shock in my boer doe, we believe she has pneumonia so we gave her Draxxin and Vanamine. We gave her the Vanamine first and she got away so we had to grab her again and then we gave her the Draxxin and as soon as we let her go she started bahhing and...
  3. goatkind

    Unknown Disease

    The other was probably about 2 and half months and had symptoms for about 2 or 3 weeks and didn't have a fever. Yes they have been wormed and I will try calling the vet.
  4. goatkind

    Unknown Disease

    Hello, I recently lost one of my three pigs to an unknown illness and now one of my others is sick. The first one that died was weak, didn't have an appetite, and mostly just laid in the shelter the whole time. The pig that is sick now is about 3 months old and weighs about 50-60 pounds he is...
  5. goatkind

    Bottle Baby Question

    My sisters doe goat just had her kid and we were expecting two but she only had one, my question is would we be able to buy a bottle baby and put it on her? I wasn't sure if they were like cows and wouldn't take to them if its not there calf but I thought I would ask. Thanks!
  6. goatkind

    Discharge Before Kidding Question

    Hello, I have a pregnant goat who is due any day now basically and I'm a first time goat owner so I only know what I have read or heard from other goat owners. I know that they are supposed to have discharge before they start to kid and so when I went to check on her today there wasn't discharge...
  7. goatkind

    How time consuming is raising dairy goats?

    Thanks everyone, I do have a shelter and everything and I am home pretty much all the time so that wouldn't be an issue, I can also think of a few friends that would come over and milk for me if I do go on vacation, and I will get two goats instead of one.
  8. goatkind

    How time consuming is raising dairy goats?

    Hey, everybody I am thinking about getting a milk goat or two but had a few questions about how time consuming it is, like how long does it take on average to milk a goat and what do you do if you want to go on vacation?