Search results

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    I am new!

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    Any Survivalists or Armed Forces people

    I'm working on a short story about a small group of people who band together after a post apocolyptic event and was wondering what are some of the things you'd really need to have to survive. I know you need food, shelter, water but what other essentials would you need to survive in your opinion?
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    Hi from Louisville, KY

    :welcome Better late than never.
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    Hello! from Arizona

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    Hi from Ringgold GA

    :welcome I know next to nothing about Goats but did that stop me from getting some, nope.
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    New from NH

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    Hello from the US!!!!

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    Hi from Arizona

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    Hi from South Carolina

    :welcome Yes, this site can be addictive and the members ....certain ladies can get you to buy just about anything.
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    Hi from Wisconsin

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    Hi from Western NC

    :welcome You'll love it here, GOAT PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.
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    Hello From NC

    :welcome Man seems like half this site is from Carolina sometimes, lol.
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    Marine not so hot

    Boy Scout's out shoot a Marine. The Marine was cool about it but I laughed and the Marine got voted out by the Boy Scouts, lol. I will say he was a retired Marine and probably not the shape he was when he was in service but you would think the Marine would of won. It was a Black Powder/Muzzle...
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    EllieMay's journey towards self-sufficiency.

    Can't wait to read your future journal entries. You may also like Western Oregon. As long as its west of the cascades it will be very pleasant weather and good rainfall without the Tornadoes.
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    Straw Hat Kikos

    Good for you, my first real job made me a night owl. Enjoy those youthful years, when you can stay up and go go go. I'm glad you got a job and hope you make a bundle.
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    Introducing my first alpaca herd...

    That little brown one is adorable. I was wondering if Llama's are actually good at defending Cows or if they can even be with them or should I use Donkey's? Sorry about hijacking the thread.
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    Cattle people

    :lau I admit to doing the same though. I'm on my own this week and the dishes are starting to pile up. We just had a tiny bit of snow but most of it has melted away. Its suppose to get warmer by the end of the week. So it will get muddy again with our few calves on the ground.:bun