Search results

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    Dorpers in Virginia

    You'll love Virginia such a wonderful state so scenic.
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    Cattle people

    Hey, hey all you knowledgeable Cattle folk out there. I was wondering why aren't any of the big operators making journals, like JHM or Cricket with all that helpful info. We need some Cattle blood in the journal section, I am a newbie to the game and I am NO good representation of the Cattle...
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    Don't tell ME that CAE is "no big deal"

    I think it would be wise for the different Goat associations to lobby Washington or States and the Agriculture Department to monitor and help control this disease. If it does mutate and become multi species it would get out of control fast and then it would be like the Mad Cow outbreak in the...
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    Queen Mum's Dancing in the Rain I don't know where you live in Arkansas but I saw this and thought of you. Hope you find a good washer for a good price.
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    AZGoatgal's Journal

    Not to sound totally dork like but I love the color of those Rocks with the soil color and the bright green plants. It quite a good looking picture, the Goats are just a bonus. :P
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    Kitsara - Life, the Universe and Whatnot

    Love your journal and stories. You tell them so well and your land and animals are so beautiful. I hope you come into some money so you can get that house built at the farm to not have to commute so much.
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    Pendergrass Ranch - Big changes!

    That is a great find of a truck. I am very envious of you. Those oldies are works of art and I miss automobiles like that anymore. Congrats on the trips, hope all make it strong and healthy.:D
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    Making hemlocks into "pasture"

    Depends on where you are or at least the climate zone. Perennial Rye, Timothy, Orchard grass and Vetch.
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    Canadiannee - "These Old Ways"

    That belt is great and lazy days seem to happen more the older I get.
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    White Salalah goats from Oman

    Wonderful Goats, so streamlined.
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    Parasite Control

    They do and they do a great job. Our Chickens have cut our flies down by a substantial number.
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    Average lamb weight; Finn cross

    Hmm, Yeah the article was interesting and made me read more about the breed. A combo of Finn sheep and Friesian Milk Sheep would be ideal I would think. That's if your looking for pure numbers for profit.
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    purplequeenvt - Ivy Knoll Farm

    :love OMG, Claire said NO, but I want all of them. They are so beautiful. I want them all...:hit
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    ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal

    That's terrible I'm so sorry for you and your mom's loss. My thoughts go out to your family.:hit
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    Average lamb weight; Finn cross Lots of babies.:D
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    Tips for finding a livestock trailer?
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    Making hemlocks into "pasture"

    Ok, this may sound stupid but, why would you want the stumps. I'm not a great builder more of a patcher if anything so I don't see the value in keeping the stumps, unless for firewood. The spot I was thinking about thinning is mainly Ash with a mix of Cottonwoods, Oaks and some Catalpa's. Had...
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    PIGLETS!!! (pic)

    Just wonderful pigs. I love Tams but hard to find and pricey. They are so darling.
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    Making hemlocks into "pasture"

    I must agree, that is by far the best name I've ever seen. So how does that Logging deal work, do they take the stumps and you keep the trees? Just wondering because on my land there is a area of Ash planted for future logging and they are mature. Wish you the best on your journey and glad you...