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  1. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    No, I'm in Prescott Valley. About an hour & a half drive from Phoenix.
  2. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    Yes, I've seen everybody nurse. They are, however, only nursing on one side. I was thinking of saving some colostrum anyway in the freezer, so I may go out and milk the other side.
  3. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    It happened very quick! Three kids all within about ten minutes. Mom did great, no help was needed and she cleaned them right off. Two doelings and a buckling. The doe is a mini lamancha, but unfortunately, the person who bred her before I got her, bred her to a mini toggenberg...
  4. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    Yeah, she's pawing at the ground and laying down and getting up. This is so exciting. I may not miss it after all. :weee
  5. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    Her udder is also much bigger than it was yesterday. I feel like a first time parent waiting all over again nervously. I'm pretty sure she's having contractions, she will pause and arch her back.
  6. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    She now has thick whitish goo coming out. Not amber colored though.
  7. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    I just went out this morning and checked Cupcake and I'm pretty sure she's lost her ligaments. I can almost wrap my fingers around her tail bone and on either side of her tail she's concave looking. But no mucous. Of course it probably won't happen today when I'm home :rolleyes: I'll probably...
  8. Chickenfever

    Will it ever happen?!!! Never mind...It happened (Pics)

    This waiting has been torture. We bought Cupcake in January and were told she was bred "around New Years". So, I estimated she would be due around May 29th (give or take). I've tried to check for ligaments (or lack thereof), but I just don't think I know what I'm feeling for. She doesn't...
  9. Chickenfever

    Buck lost a scur...bloody mess (pics)

    I do think you're right about them having decreased feeling on the head, why else would they want to ram their heads into everything :rolleyes: Is that better :lol:
  10. Chickenfever

    Buck lost a scur...bloody mess (pics)

    I wonder how many people are pinching their elbows after reading this, I know I did :lol: I don't know, when we changed the bandage after a week, he was fine until we came to the telfa pad the vet had placed directly on the bone, he didn't want us touching it and cried when it came off. I just...
  11. Chickenfever

    Buck lost a scur...bloody mess (pics)

    The blood actually came off within a day or two and he's back to white now, I was surprised. Good idea with the patch. His other scur is very loose like a loose tooth and I'm worried it's only a matter of time, so anything I can do by myself next time is great. I don't want another vet bill...
  12. Chickenfever

    Buck lost a scur...bloody mess (pics)

    Just thought I would share my experience with losing a scur. Got a call two weeks ago when I was at work from a neighbor saying my goat was bleeding profusely from it's head. My DH raced home and discovered he was missing a scur and his head was bleeding with a steady drip. He rushed him to...
  13. Chickenfever

    New to me Nigi does seem thin....

    I was wondering the same thing.
  14. Chickenfever

    Used milkstand safe?

    I hope this isn't a ridiculous question but I am a little worried about goat diseases. I'm wondering if it would be unsafe for my goats if I buy a used milking stand I found on Craigslist? Could this possibly bring any diseases with it (CL)?
  15. Chickenfever

    Baggin' up.. :D -- UPDATE...*PICTURES*

    Nubians make the cutest babies!
  16. Chickenfever

    Pix of Lenora's Babies, all three of them and Mom

    So adorable! thanks for sharing pictures. Makes me want to get a Nubian.
  17. Chickenfever

    Bloat question

    No, she hasn't been grazing at all. Is that what 'haybelly' means, too much green pasture?
  18. Chickenfever

    Bloat question

    I noticed this afternoon that my one year old mini mancha looks bloated. She doesn't usually have a belly at all and today she had a belly and it was definitely larger and higher on her left side. She does not seem to be in distress. She did not have any sudden diet change, she gets alfalfa...
  19. Chickenfever

    Is this inbreeding?

    Thanks for the info. I know I have a lot to learn about the breeding aspect of goats. I will find out soon how good she is, she is due to kid in about 7 weeks. They do come from good lines, their dam is a Jolly Rogers doe and the sires Desertwinds.
  20. Chickenfever

    New to goats, want to make sure I'm prepared!

    I don't think I was this stressed even when I brought my first child home :rolleyes: