ok I have questions now .
I have been collecting the colostrum from my other doe and giving it too my baby.
1. she doesn't seem hungry when I go to feed her(you think she'd be starving) Is colostrum more filling than milk???
2. I was out checking new momma and baby when I noticed that Gracie...
I woke up at 2am and didn't feel so good . I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and went out to see the baby goats that were born about a week ago. Who was outside all alone in the cold , my poor Choula had her baby outside. mean sister goat wouldn't let her in the barn I guess. Luckily I...
My goat Gracie had her 4 babies a week ago and nurses the 3 babies just fine but hates the other baby. This baby cries all the time for Gracie and tries to sneak in and nurse on her when the others are allowed to. Momma head butts her away.
I tried rubbing moms colostrum on baby and she still...
Gracie has finally had her babies. she had 4 babies all alive and seem to be healthy. 2 that look like pygmys and 2 that look like nubians!!! 3 does and 1 buck. Now I am trying to figure out how to feed all these babies.
her delivery was fast and needed really only a little help.
if you all remember I have had the goat Gracie, that has been "pregnant " for the longest period in history lol.
Not really but since the first supossed pregnancy obviously didn't happen I am for sure that she will be having babies sometime soon. I had calculated at the end of March but I...
I have been looking around for info to see of I can make my Doe GO into heat?? She went into heat at 6 mos and has not seemed to at all since. She was with a buck in the fall and I think that was her first heat cycle. I do not think she is pregnant.
She is nubian-boer-alpine born in April of 09...
I am really scared, I have been waiting and waiting on my goat Gracie she's in the post Gracie is about to burst, well she was suppose to have a baby around the end of Nov, nothing and she is fat but I can't feel anything and her coat is thick, I swear I have been looking at her butt everday and...
UpDate, So I am no vet but I really don't think she was pregnant back in July.
if she was something happened because has still never has had a baby she is so fat, but I think she is pregnant now, She ran with my boys I had got back in sept. thinking she was already pregnant I didn't care about...
Just to update , No babies yet, but I did her her bum shaved so now I can see better. Anyone ever had a doe exrayed and the baby looked like a blob? That's what the baby looked like so I am trying to find a gestational age for when the bones get calcified.
I only found from 35-70 days is when...
good to know, I feel comfortable about the other parts of the process, I am not new to owning animals. I have seen plenty be born but the goats live outside in a dirty barn .
I feel soo bad for her she's so fat thta she looks like she's sqautting down all the time. But she must not be too ready...
I met a guy at the sale barn and he bought a nubian buck for a guy that wanted some goat meat and he told me that he will band it for about two weeks until he is castrated and then butcher, becasue of the bucks testosterone. You don't want to use them until the Test. is out of there system.
Thanks for the input:)
Well thankfully I have had boys(human ) so feeding a crazy hungry beast will be a snap. I am most worried about the umbilical cords. Do they break off or does she chew them off? All the videos I see is people pulling them out and rubbing them and then it cuts to a nice...
Ohh No she has 8X10 shed as her luxurious goat barn :)
It has a hanging hay feeder and a big dog kennel and a hanging rack for all the minerals.
The barrel is not for her it is for the babies to crawl in with a heat lamp hanging down inside. I looked around online for designs for the warming...
Hear all about it , I want you to tell me what to do.. LOL..
well I have the goat cave in place with the light and baby monitor on, so sleepless night here I come. :lol:
Hello all I am a nervous wreck. Gracie is due any day and I need to have all my supplies ready so I need the best way to handle this kidding!
Supplies I have scissors
towels-paper and cloth
triodine 7%
bottle, syringe also
soapy water, gloves
I have seen the supply list but it's missing...