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  1. lee&lyric

    Llama vs. Alpaca

    I just read the recommended reading by elevan. I can't remember right now why I decided upon alpacas some months ago after reading. However, now I am wondering if I need to rethink. I want to learn to spin wool into yarn, but also want our backyard fam guarded. My question then is, will...
  2. lee&lyric

    Acquiring Alpaca-Central FL

    I am interested in acquiring alpaca to guard our backyard herd. From what you experienced herders know, are they all priced in the thousands of dollars range?
  3. lee&lyric

    Organic Fire Ant Control?

    Oh snaps, this is even better 'cause Lee wants guineas. Let him tell it, they protect the chickens and will kick butt anything 'cause they're bad mamma jammas! Thanks vegaburm.
  4. lee&lyric

    Organic Fire Ant Control?

    Good looking out. I'm going to share this with Lee. While cleaning up our land we noticed SEVERAL and I do mean SEVERAL on ours :rolleyes:. One of the boys is allergic to ants and we've gotta get the land to where they can play outside so the FA's must go.
  5. lee&lyric

    3 week old Jersey heifer coming on friday! =) She's here ***PICS

    I can't wait to see the pics. redtailgal you've got me :lau with that siggie. Oh and don't think I won't be keeping in mind the advice you've given the OP. Spot on, thanks.
  6. lee&lyric

    3 week old Jersey heifer coming on friday! =) She's here ***PICS

    How precious. We're right behind you (well, Lee may have dealt with cows before). This whole farm thing is new to me. Heck, we haven't even taken physical possession of our land yet. Still popping palmettos so we can pull our home on the land and get busy. Your story is so encouraging to...
  7. lee&lyric

    3 week old Jersey heifer coming on friday! =) She's here ***PICS

    Awwwwww, when I first saw her I thought, "Dawn" for some reason. She is puurrrty, codymax2! I am so excited for you. I have got to find out where we can get one.