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  1. Chikn Luva

    Yum Or Yuck?

    Yum! Mint Chocolate Chip Icecream?
  2. Chikn Luva


    Hi! I am new to this website. I only joined it because there was a rabbit section on it. I found this website from Backyard Chickens! I have 4 chickens and getting 2 more tomorrow so make that 6 I guess, 2 dogs, 1 parakeet, 1 bunny that I don't know the breed of, my mom, my dad, me (Isabel), My...
  3. Chikn Luva

    What breed is my rabbit? *Updated with pictures. look 4 post #8.*

    Anyone know what breed my rabbit Snook is? He is black, brown, white, and maybe a little bit of grey. All I know is that his fur is no where close to a lionhead rabbit! :lol: I can't post pictures yet, so when I can, I will post some.