Search results

  1. happy acres

    DH is wonderful!

    That's what I thought! :D plus the water bottles and feeders, not to mention the cages!
  2. happy acres

    DH is wonderful!

    Okay. Total 19 NZ whites, 18 Flemish. The Flemish are agouti and rust brown colored. I'll post pictures tomorrow!
  3. happy acres

    DH is wonderful!

    Going to get them now!
  4. happy acres

    DH is wonderful!

    The person selling them is tired of rabbits, they're selling all for $100.00!
  5. happy acres

    DH is wonderful!

  6. happy acres

    If only they could talk... - Caption this!

    A black lamb? Uh oh! What will I tell Ram-bo?
  7. happy acres

    If only they could talk... - Caption this!

    You mean I'm ADOPTED!?
  8. happy acres

    If only they could talk... - Caption this!

    How long do I have to play dead?
  9. happy acres

    DH is wonderful!

    My sweet, darling, wonderful husband is buying me rabbits! Two female Flemish, and a buck, plus their litter of 17, and two doe NZ whites with a buck and their litter(s) of 20+! Also the cages and accoutrements! I'm getting my meaties!
  10. happy acres

    If only they could talk... - Caption this!

    Yup! There it is! I TOLD y'all the treats didn't come in pockets! There's a whole bag against that wall!
  11. happy acres

    Annabelle's at it again

    You're not, but Annie is really good at being sly.
  12. happy acres

    Annabelle's at it again

    :( what happened? :(
  13. happy acres

    Annabelle's at it again

    Udder looks pretty big. Anyone want to place bets? I say Saturday at 3:30am.
  14. happy acres

    If only they could talk... - Caption this!

    You talkin to me?
  15. happy acres

    Ok people tell me I don't need this!

    Get her! The rules of Irish families and hill folk : there is. Always room for one more! Besides, if you're in it for meaties, you'll have just that much more litters, enough to even sell some.
  16. happy acres

    Happy Acres -day by day

    Gracie goose has been laying eggs, one every few days, total of five now. The chickens are doing well. I'm trying to decide which of my roosters will be going to freezer camp. The lambs are doing wonderfully well. I'm looking at a ten year wait for my actual farm. By then I can retire from work...
  17. happy acres

    Annabelle's at it again

    Do let us know what happens!