Went to the stock sale today, never even made it inside. A man in front had two ewe lambs for sale. I bought one and my friend bought the other. Hers is solid white, she named her Belle. Mine is white with some pale tan spots, I named her Honey. Anyway, they are both weaned, and look healthy...
Yes, getting two. Have a place for them. Don't know about the colostrum. We have a vet. And I don't know of any others nearby for helping. I thought I could get all my supplies at the co-op. And I have lots of blankets and things to make sure they don't get chilled.
I may have a chance to get a lamb, still being bottle fed. Should I go for it? I'd like some sheep for wool. But I know less than nothing about them! Any advice is welcome!
I'm a total newb about goats. Someone may have some doelings for sale and they're on the bottle still. My questions are : how much,and how often, will they need to be fed? When should they be weaned? Do you wean them like a human baby? Will they need a heat lamp? What is a good price? Thanks for...
I get it. So being in Alabama, where summers are both hot and humid, if I got angoras, I need to be sure they have access to ice, and possibly a fan as well?
I've never heard of ice bottles or frozen tiles. What are they and how needful? I've raised rabbits before, but they were lionheads. Their hutches were in a well shaded area and they got fresh water daily. Was I just lucky?
Would the loose hairs come off with brushing? And how would I turn it into yarn? I don't know how to spin (yet) ,so I'd probably have to send it somewhere. How much hair does it take for a skein?
I'm from Haleyville! Northwest corner. :) and I'm terribly jealous! I want a real farm, right now! Instead, I'm getting it just a little bit at a time. Eventually I'll have it though!