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  1. happy acres

    I have a lamb what?

    Went to the stock sale today, never even made it inside. A man in front had two ewe lambs for sale. I bought one and my friend bought the other. Hers is solid white, she named her Belle. Mine is white with some pale tan spots, I named her Honey. Anyway, they are both weaned, and look healthy...
  2. happy acres

    total newb here

    Another question : what are barber pole worms, and how do I prevent them?
  3. happy acres

    Feeding Practices ~ Horses, Mules & Donkeys

    Don't have any at the moment, but quite willing to learn, as I hope to get some in the future, at least a mule.
  4. happy acres

    Sick lamb

    I'm so very sorry for your loss!
  5. happy acres

    total newb here

    Yes, getting two. Have a place for them. Don't know about the colostrum. We have a vet. And I don't know of any others nearby for helping. I thought I could get all my supplies at the co-op. And I have lots of blankets and things to make sure they don't get chilled.
  6. happy acres

    total newb here

    So, I've decided to get the lamb! Now I've got some learning to do! I'm reading everything I can find. What else should I do?
  7. happy acres

    total newb here

    I may have a chance to get a lamb, still being bottle fed. Should I go for it? I'd like some sheep for wool. But I know less than nothing about them! Any advice is welcome!
  8. happy acres

    first time with babies

    Thanks! I had already bitten my nails off worrying!
  9. happy acres

    Hey, I'm New Here! :)

    Hello! I'm new too! But so far it's been a great place. Lots of info, and folks don't belittle you if you don't know something. Welcome!
  10. happy acres

    first time with babies

    I'm a total newb about goats. Someone may have some doelings for sale and they're on the bottle still. My questions are : how much,and how often, will they need to be fed? When should they be weaned? Do you wean them like a human baby? Will they need a heat lamp? What is a good price? Thanks for...
  11. happy acres

    dual purpose rabbits?

    I'm wanting to raise some rabbits for fiber and for meat. Is there a dual purpose type, or do I just need to get two different breeds?
  12. happy acres

    stupid question

    Also, are all angoras small, or are there larger breeds? May have to use some as meaties, even though I'd rather just have them for fiber.
  13. happy acres

    stupid question

    Not planning to show any at all, clipping would be perfect, since I want the hair for spinning.
  14. happy acres

    stupid question

    I get it. So being in Alabama, where summers are both hot and humid, if I got angoras, I need to be sure they have access to ice, and possibly a fan as well?
  15. happy acres

    stupid question

    I've never heard of ice bottles or frozen tiles. What are they and how needful? I've raised rabbits before, but they were lionheads. Their hutches were in a well shaded area and they got fresh water daily. Was I just lucky?
  16. happy acres


    Huntsville is about two hours from me. My youngest son lives there. Too citified for me though.
  17. happy acres

    Newbie questions

    Thanks! I don't know of a guild around here anywhere. I'll have to check into it and find out.
  18. happy acres

    Newbie questions

    Would the loose hairs come off with brushing? And how would I turn it into yarn? I don't know how to spin (yet) ,so I'd probably have to send it somewhere. How much hair does it take for a skein?
  19. happy acres


    I'm from Haleyville! Northwest corner. :) and I'm terribly jealous! I want a real farm, right now! Instead, I'm getting it just a little bit at a time. Eventually I'll have it though!