Terrible for you the goat.
Legal ramifications only figure in when one is doing something illegal, last of my considerations.
As Im sure you know, there are many types of veterinary practice, I do not have much small animal vet assistance experience we saw mostly dogs and cats, in an urban area...
Yes it would benefit the forum I originally posted in (emergencies ...) which I found looking for a help with injured ND rabbit SR buck who has become a fave pet somehow (hes supposed to be a show bunny)
Dog shows are pretty intense and political, its all about $$$, usually the winners can afford professional handlers. That is why I started hunting. Doggies like it, Gem likes it, it is not nerve wracking.
Dog shows were originally intended to compare breeding stock which were the best of their...
Sometimes a group (like all yahoogroups do) will have a files section to upload to. That is what I meant. I use my email accounts to move and store documents, flash drives are just something else to lose.:)
there is afile upload on these posts, its a WORD doc, for which there is no file...
Hi I have a pet type bunny in trouble BUT I raise for show and pet, also quail, and hunt over spaniels and setters and breed and show them too.
I am wondering if someone can tell me where one can upload information or files, I have something that well explains euthanasia from a vet website I'd...
I'm afraid his quality of life will continue to deteriorate do to atrophied left rear left. The right he can move.
He needs to go to Rainbow Bridge, I'm afraid.
Thanks Though
No, in my reply to Ponker was that thats the thing, hes his usual sunny Jim self. Hes unusually affectionate and intelligent rabbit esp for his breed. Ive had lots of rabbits for many years, Ive never had an ND him. Many other breeds usually are mellow and happy.
This bunny is not in physical...
Thanks, good luck with grandbaby.
Its only a little piece of desert, and few embellishments, but a lot can be done with it and things out there are much more reasonable. People much nicer too. Im my sons POA and Health Care Proxy, he has issues, but the University Hosp in SLC is so much more...
And I dont think the friend suggestion was to get the friend to do the dispatching, but as moral support. I have had great deal of responsibility all of my life and would never ask anyone else to take on an unpleasant task for me, simply not a shirker.
This is not helpful, only an opportunity to voice an opinion. If you had read my original reply to Ponker, you would know I DO GET IT.
Im not a newbie and well aware of my choices.
I am looking for another way to dispatch period.
I also raise dogs and am used to the extra help they sometimes need during whelp.
One of my ND does kicks the newborn kits out, so I intervened. I found them, 2 lasted a few days but the one I found in time, I kept ina nest box with her pulled fur, and put her in the nest box w/the kit several...
I think what Im looking for is a source
for an injectable I can serve myself. I do all my dog vacs, have had to PTS a dog, but I was working for a vet then.
Thanks, though, I understand.
hi again Ponk, Thats quite a story! I really applaud your perserverance!
My tale is kinda similar, suffice it to say, after a crappy 20 year marriage, a bad divorce, and 10 years of single parenthood (no regrets on the child!), disabling severe leg injury, I am working on relocating with all...
Be patient with me, Ive always found these forums difficult to navigate with only a phone.
My herd is rabbits they are show/pet small breed (ND and lionhead) not dog quarry, its too difficult for me to steady the dogs on rabbit, although the British do it well.
I hunt with spaniels upland bird...
thanks, Ponker. I know its the right thing to do for rabbit, just looking for a better way. I think vets should be ashamed for charging that for a simple appropriate injection. I was a vet tech before severe injury, somewhat recovered, had the bunnies prior, so $ is a real issue for us.
I am...