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  1. Four Winds Ranch

    How long do cows milk?

    The milk wouldn't end during pregnancy with regular milking. You would have to stop milking a month or so before the new calf is born each year, as the cow will beging filling up with colostrum for the new calf. In order to only milk once a day you would probably have to pen the calf up at...
  2. Four Winds Ranch

    How long do cows milk?

    All of your questions are breed specific! We had a jersey that we milked for 3 years after she had her calf, but all cows, as time goes, so does the milk slowly. For how long it takes to milk twice a day, would depend on how much milk your cow had just then, and how good you are at milking! I...
  3. Four Winds Ranch

    Promise Acre: Our Journey

    I have to say, " I am with you on the donkey thing"! We have some too, and yes, they are a pain in the butt!!! :/ Sorry about your plants getting frosted!!!
  4. Four Winds Ranch

    ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal

    Thats too bad about Snickers! I know how you feel! I have a ram,'Hamilton', he is such a beautiful, big, lovable boy, but unfortunatly, the last 2 years, none of his lady friends have had a lamb for him!!! :( So, I guess I have to say 'bye' to Hamilton! Getting stood up is sooooo annoying...
  5. Four Winds Ranch

    Just finished weaning bottle babies

    They might, but thats ok. Just give them a rinse when ever you fill them up again. My chickens run all over and get into everything too!
  6. Four Winds Ranch

    Four Winds Ranch: " Life on the Farm "

    Spring is always such a busy time of the year, I am afraid my journal gets ignored a fair amount!! :idunno Exciting news!!!!! :D We now have chicks!!!!!! Unfortunatly, just 2, but I am not complaining!!! I am thankful DH butchered a couple of his hogs yesterday, cause 'man' those things...
  7. Four Winds Ranch

    Just finished weaning bottle babies

    I usually just use the black, rubber feed tubs ya get at the farm supply stores!
  8. Four Winds Ranch

    SheepGirl's 2013 Lambing Thread - Update - July 2013

    Those are definatly some very beautiful, healthy, happy lambs!!!!! Good work!!!! :thumbsup Heres to Katy Perry going into labour on Thursday!!! :fl
  9. Four Winds Ranch

    Spread out lambing - do I have 3 more weeks?

    Probably your best bet on figuring that out would be to go on how tight their udders are! If they are so tight and big that the tits look like they have milk in them too and are sticking straight out to the sides, I would say ya better keep a close eye on them! If they still wrinkle a bit in the...
  10. Four Winds Ranch

    Hello from ( Sulphur City) Rotorua in New Zealand.

    :frow Welcom to BYH from Alberta, Canada!!!!!
  11. Four Winds Ranch

    My lambing thread- 8 sets of twins, 1 set of Triplets and 2 singles!

    Congrats on all your lambs!!!! They look awesome!!! :)
  12. Four Winds Ranch

    WhiteMountainsRanch Kidding/Journal Thread; Summer Update

    Love your new pup!!! :love Am excitedly awaiting lambie pics!!!!!
  13. Four Winds Ranch

    Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal

    Soooo sorry about your little Rinky!!! :hit :hugs I love Raviolianna!!!! If I ever get goats I want ones like her!!! What breeding is she? Sounds like you guys did good at the 4-H Fair!!! :clap We have one coming up in 2 weeks as well, but ours is strictly beef steers, Show & Sale! Your...
  14. Four Winds Ranch

    Ram attacked lamb today

    I used to run mine, for a few years, together, but it seemed the older the ram, the worse his hits were. Then one year, the sheep were all standing around eating off a couple of round bales, and one of the rams decided he liked the spot one of the 4month old ewe lambs was eating at better! So he...