We have a auction sale, the evening after the Show! We have done this for years, so we advertise alot, and the buyers come an hour or 2 early for the sale and we supply and feed them supper! It seems to work pretty well!!
Sweetened has some very good info!!!! (Now I know who I am going to try to get ahold of in the sheep injury department!!! ;))
Good luck with your little lamb!! :fl
Has she been off her feed any time in the last couple months, or acted like she hasn't felt good? Sometimes they will shed at odd times if they get a fever! If she is eating and drinking fine right now, she should be fine!!!
Last year, I ended up with a bunch of my sheep coming down with Pneumonia!! They slowely seemed to lose weight, get snotty noses, and coughed! It never seemed to go away, sometimes it would be worse than other times!
I discovered that they had Lung Worm, which was causing the airways to be...
If you feed once a day, I have found that they waste more hay than if you feed twice!!! Because you have to give them enough for the full 24hours and alot of it gets trampled and dirty and then, picky as sheep are, they wont eat it!
If you can keep it clean, and I would think, moist, so it doesn't end up cracking, there may be a chance everything will be ok!!! :fl I would be giving the lamb some antibiotics as a precautionary measure! It may need pain killers in order to get it to eat properly for the first bit. I imagine...
Thanks for all the imput!! The couple that I got them from said the ewe in the front of the pic, is 3yrs old, and as a ewe lamb she had 4 lambs, and raised 3 herself! Last spring she had five and raised 4 herself.
So, maybe Sheepgirl, they are a cross with a dairy breed cause I beleive there is...
Just make sure you follow the instructions for the lamb replacer!!! If they are not followed exactly, the poor little guy may get digestive issues, constapation, diahrrea, or off of his feed!! ;)
Good luck!! Have fun, they are soooo cute, but a lot of work!
It is up to you! I leave mine and have never had a problem!!! Sometimes they look pretty ugly for a bit, but they seem to heal up fine! I have found, as they get older, the horns are less likely to get rubbed or smacked off! ( Might be just mine though!!)
I have recently obtained 4 new sheep! The people I got them from told me that the 2 ewes are 'Dorpers', and the younger 2 are 'Dorper/Kahtadins'! Does anyone have any idea what breeds or cross breeds thay might be? Lol, I am pretty sure they are not Dorper(don't look like any I have ever seen...