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  1. MaggieSims

    Solar Powered Heat Lamp?

    is there any kid of lamp that would produce similar heat that would require less energy to run? i can certainly run a cord out there, that's not the issue, I would like to simply use less energy, and have little projects all over that will help free myself from high bills. I'm just trying to do...
  2. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    yes yes, i'll try to find a before pic and i'll take a new one to show the difference. i'll prob post those tomorrow
  3. MaggieSims

    Solar Powered Heat Lamp?

    I just don't get solar, but i'd like to. Ive tried and tried to understand, read and research, but it's going right over me. Basically i would like to power a heat lamp in the goat barn with solar, what would i be looking for? I want something simple to set up and use. Any ideers anyone?
  4. MaggieSims

    Worming Mini Horses

    no, i don't think the area is particularly high, although i had a heavy load lately with a milk goat... I will just run the fecal. its 15 each time, i'd much rather know for sure than guess. Side note, all i've done is bring poop into my vet's office, i really want to bring a treat next time...
  5. MaggieSims

    Worming Mini Horses

    Hellooooo, I have 2 mini horses, and this will be the first time i've wormed them. SO I KNOW NOTHING, teach me. They are 40" and 42" geldings. I don't have a weight on them, what is a good method? Is worming for horses on a schedule? Or can I just have a fecal run by the vet to see? I have had...
  6. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    OKie dokie, its been awhile since i have updated!! Ali has improved some, its slow, but I feel confident she will continue to gain, but i bet she will always be sensitive. I had a fecal again done on tues, all the strongyles was gone, but still a bit of cocci, so vet recommended another round...
  7. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    yes, changing to loose minerals. how do you know they get enough??
  8. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    block, yuuuus. for a while. am i naughty? is this a no no?
  9. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    vets been crazy busy with cattle, i have to take her in, and my truck is BROKEN, turd of a ford.
  10. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    omg, i wonder if my feeders were to blame? maybe she was chomping down on the metal part thinking she was grabbing hay? i made some slow feeders with 2x4 welded wire fencing and i though they were sticking their noses thru by maybe she was chewing on wire too?
  11. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    the one remaining tooth is solid. the rest have full gum coverage, apart from one, looks like a stub left.
  12. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    she is 7, so not a yungin'
  13. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    ok, Ali update... She is looking the same. Although I have her separated, she is sharing a fenceline with her buddies, but now gets endless hay, which she seems to not want as much now that i added goat chow. i have been adding a little by little each day, and soak it in water. she slurps it...
  14. MaggieSims

    Chaffhaye anyone?!

    @Southern by choice I still plan on trying this, particularly with Ali, my skinny doe. The feed store was closed yesterday by the time I got there, so I will be attempting to buy again today.
  15. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    okie dokie. turns out she has teeth issues. we knew that. she only has one front tooth left, and needs possible work on the back molars. WHAT IS THE EASIEST FOR HER TO EAT, I ASSUME SHE WILL NEED A SPECIAL DIET?
  16. MaggieSims

    Chaffhaye anyone?!

    i WILL be trying this. I have a recovering milk goat who is suuuuper skinny and having teeth issues. I'm thinking this will be easier for her to consume. I have only one local supplier, who is actually new on the feed store scene. they sell it for 16 bucks for 50lbs. i should be getting some...
  17. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    She's registered standard Nubian. But on the shorter side. I bet maybe 100 lbs? She used to be 130 aprox, but she's lost so much.
  18. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    OK, well this little feed store that just opened up is the only I've in town with it, and they are pushing it. But not many are trying it. But I like the store and support it by buying most of my stuff there, and they are willing to order and stock stuff I'll use most. But I've been toying with...
  19. MaggieSims

    My Ali is now getting help! updated pictures

    Well miss Ali is on her last day of wormer meds, she looks the same and acts the same, but hopefully she will start gaining weight. I have goat chow I am starting slowly for her, and does anyone have experience with chaffhay? It's the compressed alfalfa hay in a bag? Will it work like alfalfa cubes?
  20. MaggieSims

    Small horse, big attitude.

    Would gelding time, as in how old he was at time of gelding, affect his overall personality? The last owner did say he was gelded at the same time as his younger brother, meaning he had more time with testies?