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  1. stitchcounting

    Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

    That looks great bridge !! :thumbsup What wheel is that?
  2. stitchcounting

    New From Florida

    I have a lionhead that might be a father soon!! :welcome :bun
  3. stitchcounting

    SheepGirl's 2013 Lambing Thread - Update - July 2013

    I love the lil ram. He was smiling at me! Congrats:bun What a funny name!
  4. stitchcounting

    Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

    Hexipuffs are soo addicting but i doubt you will have any time to make a quilt with all your sheep and goats!
  5. stitchcounting

    First LGD puppies!!!

    :love :love :love :love I wanna go and sleep with them....
  6. stitchcounting

    Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

    :D Whats a Kiko? another breed? Which of your sheep would be best suitable for stuffing hexipuffs? like which one isnt the softest butstill wool? lol :lau
  7. stitchcounting

    New York

    I never saw this thread! But i'm from the city......
  8. stitchcounting

    New pictures from around the farm added 7/1/13.

    The kits :love :love :love I love your garden!
  9. stitchcounting

    Plant / Seed Swap Thread

    Trade: From last years garden Basil and sunflowers also a small amount of purple coneflowers. Want: Pokeberry and Fennel
  10. stitchcounting

    Boys VS girls

    41. Or the project i need to turn in by the end of this month....
  11. stitchcounting

    Boys VS girls

    43. I just garden and have pets. and it was raining the past couple of days so i'm good !
  12. stitchcounting

    Boys VS girls

    This might take a while 45
  13. stitchcounting

    Boys VS girls

    lets do this ! 51
  14. stitchcounting

    Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

    Can you adopt me ? lol What breed of sheep are those?
  15. stitchcounting

    Farm Trip With a few pics!

    I try and remember to take notes on my process . I did learn new things this time. -the class i went with this year was mostly girly girls and there was alot of complaining so i learned to stay in the front. -When herding the cows i was impressed that they only used one bull and just let him do...