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  1. yankeehill

    Large Blacks (or another heritage hog?)

    AH Liz - you and I are a like minded people! (Trying to be as self sufficient as possible....trying to grow and raise foods the least expensive but healthiest way...and I am TOTALLY shocked by Farmer's Market prices...and that people can and are willing to pay that!)
  2. yankeehill

    rabbit waste / worm farm

    I've never raised worms in rabbit poop (will do this next year), but as a child we kept a worm bed, and never did it stink. (And what fun to rummage through the dirt to see who would find the biggest worm!)
  3. yankeehill

    Large Blacks (or another heritage hog?)

    Thank you Liz. This is a TOTALLY new venture for me, but something I have ALWAYS wanted to do.... Another option I'm thinking of, MAYBE is to raise the pigs and sell them by the pound, dropping them off at the butchers....not sure how that would hash out, but it is an idea...if I can get my...
  4. yankeehill

    Large Blacks (or another heritage hog?)

    Thank you all! I THINK there is a market here...but I don't know if people are willing or able to pay the prices I am seeing large blacks selling for. I guess in theory, once you have invested in your breeding stock, and sold a litter, I think you'd break even...but, I don't know it's the...
  5. yankeehill

    Large Blacks (or another heritage hog?)

    I'm in Maine....thinking of getting some Large Blacks next year, if hubby will let me...I see they'll forage well, and don't do too well on grain. This year we've got mixed pink pigs - no idea what all they are...they are pork:). WHAT do I feed these Large Black's come winter? How do I...
  6. yankeehill

    difference between meat rabbits

    I wonder why that is it more like how a beef roast will filly you, but you could eat a whole chicken? (or at least, I could!).
  7. yankeehill

    Watering in winter

    I've been mulling this over...I wonder if you could wrap some of that pipe insulation, or some pool noodles (you know, like kids play with) around the waterers and maybe that would help prevent freezing? Course, you'd have to be real sure the rabbit couldn't reach the insulation.
  8. yankeehill

    difference between meat rabbits

    We've got 5 kids here too - I really can't see one rabbit feeding all of us...but we'll see in a few months (we're getting Silver Foxes). Shoot, one chicken barely feeds my kids. Plus, we need leftovers for hubby's lunch.