I looked at it, and it sounds like what she’s got, but doesn’t seem like she has any of the suggested problems are the ones she has. I’m sure she’ll live. She can eat and drink she can flap her wings fine, it’s just the walking. Along with the weird hissing when approached. I guess we’ll have to...
She is still alive, but she is still the same. I also forgot to mention that when we approach her, she hisses at us (as if she was siting on a nest) very weird for her to do. I’m sure she’ll love, but I need to rid her of this wobbly ness.
We have 2 khaki ducks. A male and female. The female is nesting but she shares it with chickens and turkeys, so they all have their little “breaks”. today when we went out, we noticed she was acting a little weird. All wobbly and unstable. And first we thought she was injured. So we picked her...
So about a month ago, we ordered 40 red ranger chicks, along with 30 jersey giants and 20 lavender Orpingtons. All was well, until we realized that our red ranger chicks were growing INSANELY fast, and also not really turning red. They ended up turning white, and kept growing and growing. Now...
About 2 months ago we found a pig stuck laying down with one half of her head swollen. When we cleaned it out we found maggots in her waddle (Shes a red wattle pig) we cleaned it out, pulled out all the maggots and put a spray on sealant. Ever since we did that she has recovered greatly. She...
3 days ago, one of our pregnant Ewes was down, she was eating, and drinking. But not standing. She was about due. The next day she looked more exhausted and you could physically see the babies moving around in her. Kinda like she´s gonna deliver. We called the vet due to her condition and...