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  1. N

    Milk Production

    Yes this is it. It is only 14% protein but I mix in a Dairy goat feed with it, It has a protein of 20%.. I only mix them so my feed will last longer. Its cheaper.
  2. N

    Milk Production

    Tucker Milling is the producer. It is produced in Guntersville, AL. It is Non-GMO and Soy free. It is the Multi Species.
  3. N

    Boys verses girls:)

    I do! Just gotta figure out how to work the Backyard Herd's website!
  4. N

    Thinking about getting a Nubian...

    I absolutely love my Nubian. She is so sweet and I am getting almost a half gallon out of her. I have also had Saanens as well. They give lots of milk, but in my experience, they are not as sweet as Nubian. I have never owned an Alpine, but I hear they are great milkers. Not sure of their...
  5. N

    Milk Production

    Also, about how much do ya'll charge per gallon? Since I am feeding Non-GMO feed, I didn't know if that made a difference
  6. N

    Milk Production

    I was confused on if I should or not. I wouldn't give her no more than a handful per milking, which is twice a day. The buck would get very little to none a day. I will try all of these ideas and see which one suits me and my small herd of two the best. Thanks everyone for the advice! It sure...
  7. N

    Milk Production

    Oh okay. Do I need to soak the beet pulp, or can I just give it to them dry?
  8. N

    Milk Production

    Those are beautiful goats! My two have access to the woods but spend most of their time in the pasture. I think it's because they are closer to the feed room Haha! But I think I am going to try Alfalfa Pellets for them. How much should I give them?
  9. N

    Milk Production

    Oh okay! He only gets about a cup of pellets. I don't give him anymore than that. But he isn't to big. He might weigh 100 pounds. But the doe on the other hand is much larger. Probably 125 to 130.
  10. N

    Milk Production

    My buck doesn't get anything but his pelleted feed, the probiotic and grass. Some Kudzu too.
  11. N

    Milk Production

    My mom knows that all to well. When we had about 20 goats, they all got out and ate everyone of her flowers. Needless to say, we sold all the goats LOL. However, I plan to get loose mineral today or tomorrow. I tried a block but they didn't like it as good.
  12. N

    Milk Production

    I have a whole bag of shredded Beet Pulp in my barn. I used to feed it to my horses, but when I had to put down my older horse a few months ago :hit and I moved my second horse to another pasture, I didn't need it. I will try adding beet pulp as well. I have been looking to use it, just didn't...
  13. N

    Milk Production

    The lady I got her and the buck from did not milk her. She had plans to milk her but didn't get to start this year. She had her on Sweet feed and regular hay. Twice daily. She and the buck are very healthy goats. They aren't thin at all. But also, after upping her feed and adding the sunflower...
  14. N

    Milk Production

    Oh I see. I will definitely try the Alfalfa. I thought that the grass was good enough. I throw some Kudzu in with them but I don't throw much in there. Just enough for a Snack.
  15. N

    Milk Production

    Thanks everyone for the advice! She last kidded a few months ago. I think this was her second kidding. She had twins.When I bought her the kids were almost weaned but she had milk. However, this is her first year milking. I feed her a Non-GMO food. I recently added sunflower seed. She eats all...
  16. N

    Milk Production

    Hey there! I am new to the Backyard Herd Forum. I recently bought a couple dairy goats. A Buck and Doe. I am milking the doe. My question is, I was milking once a day, but I started milking twice day. I increased how many times a day I milk to see if it increased milk production. So far, I am...
  17. N

    Milking Stands

    I love this idea! I may try this with my next milk stand!