Those are some beauties! Waterford NY is about 8 hours from here, so safely say 2 days worth of travel out and back. Sure is tempting... :hide I can't leave for two days though... we currently only have wood heat and someone has to be here to keep the fire going. I'll have to keep them in...
Fortheloveofgoats, you can come take all the snow you want! Haul it off my the dump truck load, I won't miss it ;)
Casanova got aggressive with me yesterday, doe in heat, he thought I was going to take her from him. He came at me and I grabbed my shepherds staff and wack... I hit myself in...
The black headed boer doeling is Sophia's and the spotted black/white buckling is Bonnie's. Bonnie is 1/2 Boer and 1/2 Nigerian Dwarf, sire of the kids is a Nigerian dwarf. She had twin bucklings but I already sold on of them to a lady out in NY who wanted to bottle feed :) Both of these kids...
Okay, here are some pictures! It's snowing today so the goats are all inside but some of these pictures I took the other day before we got buried in cold, wet, white stuff... no, I don't like snow.
First off, puppy pictures.
And a few goat pictures!
It's been very busy lately and haven't had much time at all to enjoy BYHs. Hopefully things will settle soon and I can spend more time reading and learning from you guys! Trimmed about half of our herd yesterday with LivinWrightFarm, and will need to do the other half soon too. I'll see about...
Cutest Fowl:
This turkey hen would climb into the pool with the ducks and then chase them out. It was very funny to watch :gig
Cutest Horse:
Cutest Pet, Dog
Cutest Goat:
The does should be just fine as long as you feed them well and keep a close eye on their condition. I'd definitely give them a nice long break after this set of kids though, they deserve it! LOL
I would encourage him to drink warm molasses water, and I'd remove all food for the present. You can get Banamine as a paste as well as an injectable. Both work well.
I've never dealt with a prolapse before so can't help with that. Hopefully you can get a vet out there soon.
That couldn't have been a pretty sight, I do feel a little bit sorry for the lady who lost a dog but she should have kept them home. Hurray for Llamas! They did a great job protecting your sheep :weee
Thanks everyone!
Quick update, it's been very busy getting a few projects finished up before my husband leaves tomorrow :hit
The new pup is 9 weeks old today, doing very well and is funny to watch :) Goats are all doing well, we have two does here to be bred and they'll be here until they...
So far she seems very biddable, and has a happy disposition :) If she gets scared she'll whine a little but if you encourage her she'll come forward to smell whatever frightened her. We introduced her to the chickens, they're taller than she is and are a bit intimidating to a young pup, lol...
Sure I'll post pictures :) LOTS AND LOTS of pictures ;) Don't know yet if we'll put her to work or not. We're going to wait and see how she likes the animals around.
Well, we took the LONG trip up into northern Maine and came home with the cutest pup :love
She's an 8 week old Rottweiler and we named her Shiloh. She weighs 14lbs :)