Sure, pics would be neat... I gotta tell ya in all the years I've been in livestock, not once have I ever had a hermaphrodite pop up. I've had several very, VERY odd deformities (includin a double headed cow and a goat with 6 legs, go figure) but I aint never had a hermaphrodite.
I aint never seen one up close and personal, heck I dont even know where you'd get those around here. What are there temperments like and how big do they get? I'd like to try to get somethin big like a Dorper but not as mean, all of them I've been around are buttheads for the most part LOL.
Oh ok! Sorry if I was rude in that last post, aint had a very good day (not that thats an excuse for my behavior...) I enjoy learnin new things, really, I just get my underbritches in a bunch sometimes, and sometimes over dumb things LOL. So thanks for apoligizing and I hope you'll accept mine...
You can fix them the day there born, but it aint a pretty thing (not that it gets any prettier when they get older.) I dont see no harm in waitin until 8 weeks though.
To my knowledge, they curl there lips when sniffin for pheremones (sp) but I aint 100% sure on that.
This post wouldn't have bugged me at all if it wouldn't have been directed totally at me, but since it was, I'm gonna tell ya somethin...
I'm just doin what I grew up doin, never had a problem with it. I dont know why you think your so high and mighty as to act like your way is the only way and...
I've had some like that, what I do is get a Wal-Mart sack or other crinkly stuff layin around and rub them all over with it, it works wonders. BE CAREFUL though, she'll spook the first couple times. And another thing, no matter what, NEVER let her get away with actin up, they'll learn to...
Very good advice. I've had countless folks bring me the bottle lambs back or kill them cuz it was "to much work." So I stopped sellin bummers cuz it was gettin ridiculous. So ya lose a few hours of sleep, big flippin deal, but I guess some folks just dont like spending time with their "pets."
LOL Tell me 'bout it, GrassFarmer... I had some family over one night who apparently didnt shut the back door all the way, I was takin a nap when I woke up to a bunch of screamin folks... Walked out of the room and was greeted by my entire flock of chickens, a bottle calf, both my doelings, and...
It'd be best to buy from a local farm. One of my friends around here just give's the bummers away IF ya let him know ahead of time ya want one, if ya dont act fast he'll put 'em down, he says he's to old to deal with 'em like he used to. So the point is, put an ad in the paper your interested in...
Well, some one I know also has Dorpers and Barbados, and he uses a Dorper ram on Barbado ewes, never has a problem. I like to keep my breeds seperate, but thats just my preferance.
Well, I've yet to have goat's milk (my two are just babies still, but hopefully in Feb/March they'll have some kids down LOL) but I've pretty much drunk milk straight from the cow my whole life and I aint dead yet. That store milk's about as nasty as anything I've ever put in my face, raw's so...
Hey! I raise Dorper's and Barbado's, the Barbado's are smaller but easier to deal with (and the horns are like handles, makes it a lot easier to worm 'em) and the Dorper's can get huge (I had a ram a while back that was 300lbs solid muscle) they aint got horns, and in my opinion are usually a...
I dont got a camera... I got a camera phone but I dont have any way to hook it up (dont it gotta be hooked up to a computer to upload pictures?) I have no idea about that kinda stuff, I'm technologically impaired LOL.
GOT MY GOATS! Got a LaMancha/Nubian (Tinker) and a Sanaan/Nubian (Hiedi) yesterday evenin, there 5 months old, not handled a whole lot... but they aint wild by any means. Tinker's already eatin out of my hand and I can pet her a tiny bit, so she's gonna be easy to deal with. Hiedi about breaks...