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  1. Dan26552

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    Yes, but almost instantly. Yeah. :D
  2. Dan26552

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    Does she have eggs? Or are you trying to break her?
  3. Dan26552

    WVDuckchick's BYC Pond

    :hit Matbe next week :fl
  4. Dan26552

    WVDuckchick's BYC Pond

  5. Dan26552

    WVDuckchick's BYC Pond

    Your dads not my dad :P I've had this doe for a year and a half and gotten 4 or 5 litters, she's never had a problem with anyone messing with the babies, barely even notices. I've been lucky enough that most of if not all of my Does are like that. My sister has said that but I've never seen much...
  6. Dan26552

    BYC Edu thread, keep on rambling - HERE incubation Qs answered, lots of information!!

    I have yet to meet anyone in person. That is weird.
  7. Dan26552

    BYC Edu thread, keep on rambling - HERE incubation Qs answered, lots of information!!

    Nice. I'm sure there are people closer to me, I just haven't met them yet :P
  8. Dan26552

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    This is what I'm used to, compare it to the others.
  9. Dan26552

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    BEW kit, there are two out of the five whites. Groupie That one we can't beams the color of. He is so incredibly fluffy. Another groupie.