I agree w/ the vet. I rarely wean keeper kids before 12 weeks. I do often wean sell kids earlier (10 weeks) and yes it's for selfish reason, the new owners want to bring their kids home, I understand that, but I also don't let the kid go unless I'm sure they are ready (and I've never had a doe...
If the goat is gotten as a baby (bottle baby even better), the goat will grow up bonded to the cow.
My heifer thinks she's a goat, and this years goat kids except her as one of there own too! It'll be a sad day when I have to break it to her that she is a cow and will have to move out to the...
Very cute! I had two miniature foals this year to, one silver bay? filly, and one black colt. I was sure hoping for some color, but I guess their dad doesn't like to share.
Why was she pulled off her mom?
I'm assuming it's about the same as any other calf. Put her in a smallish area (like a stall), she'll soon learn that you mean food, and will come running when she sees you coming w/ the bottle.
I wean around 12 weeks, I'd just stick w/ the two bottles aday until then, and then slowly lessen the amount in the bottle for each feeding, or you can go cold turkey. It's easier when all bottle babies are weaning together, mine are more staggered, have one fully weaned, working on two, and the...
It's the same as it is for the iron, when you feel the buds they are ready!
Not much after care, after the 30 min you rinse w/ vinegar then warm water (which you want to be careful not to get in their eyes) and you're done! The buds have abit of a raw look for a day or two, that's about it.
No problem. As for when, it really depends on the kid pretty much the same as doing the iron, Nash was born needing to be done, I did him at 3 days, that's the earliest I've ever done one, I've had a few doe kids that weren't ready until 3 weeks. Most are ready around a week to two weeks.
I can't 'herd' my dam raised kids, they aren't afraid of me, and are climbing all over me just like the bottle kids.
And I strongly agree, I will not keep a goat I have to chase. I have two goats that are going because they aren't friendly enough, now they are good about milking, and get on the...
The bandage is on for 30 minutes and they are pretty much fine as soon as it comes off, no real healing process. Generally I only shave the hair directly on the bud so the rest covers it and if you didn't already know you wouldn't even know it had been done. No problems w/ scurs.
Now w/ mine...
Well I've debated posting, but I'm going against the grain, I have and do use it!
In my experience the recovery time is much quicker and I'm alot happier w/ the results. Here is a pic of a kid being disbudded,
We do not need to hold them, the bandage keeps them from getting it on anything. And...
I have 4 bottle kids and a bottle calf currently (actually just weaned the oldest kid), you won't see much difference in my bottle and dam raised kids, all are annoyingly friendly, just like I like them! My loudest are my dam raised kids, I'm constantly checking to make sure nothing is wrong...
I have both, nigerians and a recently added nubian, and a jersey cow. I love them both! The goat poop is definately cleaner, but the goats are bigger pests and harder to fence, and at times when I let them free range I have to hunt them up at milking time. The cow needs more space, getting her...
If it was me and things don't pick up I'd pull one and either bottle feed it or put it on another cow. Sometimes it works out ok, and sometimes they need help.