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  1. SassyLegacy

    SassyLegacy - Horse journal

    Hey guys join me on my horse journey! First of all I’ll introduce myself and my horses a little more. I have a 11 year old mare named Cactus. She is a very snobby girl but I trust my life with her. I’ve had her for 8 years and I don’t regret a minute of it! Next up is Ringo. He is a 14 year old...
  2. SassyLegacy

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Perfect picture of my horse Ringo on a walk 🥰 hope I’m not too late (I probably am tho)
  3. SassyLegacy

    Horse Talk

    Hey horse lovers! Here’s a thread where you can ask your questions, share your horses, tell us your horse stories and more! You don’t have to own a horse to talk in this thread but please don’t get horses off the internet and say they are yours. Thanks and welcome!!
  4. SassyLegacy


  5. SassyLegacy

    It’s me Dawnwolf btw

    It’s me Dawnwolf btw
  6. SassyLegacy

    Hey butterscotch!

    Hey butterscotch!
  7. SassyLegacy

    Hello Everyone!

    Awe thank you!!
  8. SassyLegacy

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey everyone! I ride horses and my family owns about 100ish angus cattle. I have 2 horses of my own and a boarder collie. I’ll show pictures of them. I ride western but want to try english. I also have an account on backyardchickens called Dawnwolf1234 so check it out! Ringo Cactus Missy