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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    Banding Scurs - What do you think? PICS

    Any other suggestions?
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    Lost one of the orphan kids last night

    I'm sorry, Kim. Wasn't that the one you were supposed to keep?
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Lamancha Buck Nubian Doe will there be ears?

    Here's what Flo's ears look like - she's 75% Alpine, 25% LaMancha and has upturned elf ears. Her twin sister had Alpine ears.
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    Banding Scurs - What do you think? PICS

    I think I'm going to try banding Pee Dee's scurs, but I wanted to get another opinion before I attempted to do so. His scurs are not really hard, but they are not rubbery soft either. They do wiggle when I rock them back and forth on his head. I'm most worried that they are growing back towards...
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    Goat milk Soap Question

    The reaction between the oils and the lye causes the lye to be neutralized. This is called the saponification process. You can find more info about this process through a Google search if you wish to get a more in depth lesson on the chemistry side of soap making.
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    Lamancha Buck Nubian Doe will there be ears?

    We haven't tried this cross yet, but we have an Alpine/Lamancha that looks just like an Alpine but has elf ears. She's only 25% Lamancha.
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    Nubian or Boer

    I have both. We started with Boers with the intentions of raising goats for meat. Because of their personalities, we just couldn't bring ourselves to actually process any of them. So, we sold all of our registered Boers and got Nubians for milk production. We kept 2 Boer un-registered does that...
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    How to Increase Milk Production in your Dairy Goats

    Have you always wondered how to get more milk from your dairy goats? See this educational video:
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Trolley is proud! I'll have to go out and tell him. :lol:
  10. greenfamilyfarms

    How do you access BYH?

    We have mid-grade DSL from our phone company.
  11. greenfamilyfarms

    Yes Or No?

    Guinea Fowl serve their purpose, but I don't like that a whole, whole lot. Hubby loves them, though. Do you like sitting out in the pasture with your goats (or other livestock)?
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    Possible new doe (squeeee)

    I love the ticking color - is it classified as roan?
  13. greenfamilyfarms

    who is happy about going back to school

    Ditto! I'm a sub, so my work is pretty off-and-on, but I'm ready to go back!
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    My 3 LaMancha's / Show Conformation??

    I'm so in love with Trixie. I'm a sucker for solid black goats.
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    Clipping a horn scur? *Pics added*

    If you pull off a scur, will it come back?
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    The "just kidding" game

    :lol: Who was the kid in the background screaming?
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    Clipping a horn scur? *Pics added*

    That's what I was going to ask about. I have a buckling that has a scur that we have reburned, but it still came back. I think banding may be the next option.
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    Buckling's Foaming

    Foaming is the symptom. Could it be bloat? Check to see if he has any of these other symptoms of bloat:
  19. greenfamilyfarms

    Does anyone milk their Boers?

    I've milked one of ours that was engorged and pretty miserable, but not like you would a dairy breed.
  20. greenfamilyfarms

    Do goats get depressed/mourn?

    I believe they do. We had a case of it this year when we sold one of our doe kids from a first time mama. She cried and walked the pasture looking for her kid for days.