I think I'm going to try banding Pee Dee's scurs, but I wanted to get another opinion before I attempted to do so. His scurs are not really hard, but they are not rubbery soft either. They do wiggle when I rock them back and forth on his head. I'm most worried that they are growing back towards...
The reaction between the oils and the lye causes the lye to be neutralized. This is called the saponification process. You can find more info about this process through a Google search if you wish to get a more in depth lesson on the chemistry side of soap making.
I have both. We started with Boers with the intentions of raising goats for meat. Because of their personalities, we just couldn't bring ourselves to actually process any of them. So, we sold all of our registered Boers and got Nubians for milk production. We kept 2 Boer un-registered does that...
Have you always wondered how to get more milk from your dairy goats? See this educational video:
Guinea Fowl serve their purpose, but I don't like that a whole, whole lot. Hubby loves them, though.
Do you like sitting out in the pasture with your goats (or other livestock)?
That's what I was going to ask about. I have a buckling that has a scur that we have reburned, but it still came back. I think banding may be the next option.
I believe they do. We had a case of it this year when we sold one of our doe kids from a first time mama. She cried and walked the pasture looking for her kid for days.