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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    Shawnee kidded twin mahogany bucks :(

    Any chance they could produce spots or dapples if bred to the "right" doe? :(
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    Training a puppy to not chase the goats?

    We had a hard-headed lab once. We tried the shock collar. He would still chase the chickens, hollering and running as we shocked him. Other times he just twitched. We had the strongest shock collar we could buy. :rolleyes: The being butted by a big mama goat worked the first time for our male...
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Shawnee kidded twin mahogany bucks :(

    If they are born traditional, I think Kim may go crazy.
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    ants in feed..... o no

    Are they black ants or fire ants? If they are fire ants (the red, stinging type) I would not feed it to her. Our GP had some fire ants get into his food last year and we had to rush him to the vet because they had bitten him in his throat and esophagus. The vet said stomach acid doesn't kill...
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    Shawnee kidded twin mahogany bucks :(

    Boers have hairy udders, but hers is especially fuzzy. I can't wait to see what she has! :)
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    Goat Transport Pen for Pickup Truck

    We made a wood box out of scrap 2x4's as a frame and attached a pallet to the top (measure you pallet first to see how big your box needs to be). It does really help to have a rubber mat in the back of the truck and a tarp just in case of a downpour.
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    Would nubians work for me?

    We have 2 Nubians and I actually love how vocal they are - especially when they see people. They holler LOUDLY then come running. Super friendly! However, my Alpine/LaMancha has the biggest mouth of all.
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    Adventures of Hans and Franz. New Video.

    He looks like a little old man. :lol: Maybe name him Einstein?
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    Somebodies herd got out, lol

    Looks like the beginnings of the next animal horror movie - "Attack of the Killer Goats"
  10. greenfamilyfarms

    Adventures of Hans and Franz. New Video.

    Does her udder look strutted to anybody else?
  11. greenfamilyfarms

    Use for Whey?

    What about Whey Soda? Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the link to see an example:
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    Forum Updates: They are here - Report Problems In This Topic

    Like this one?
  13. greenfamilyfarms

    Does my goat look pregnant??

    I don't think she is bred. She doesn't look "ripe" enough to be that far along, even if she was carrying just a single. But, she may surprise us.
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    Buckling has abnormal horn after disbudding-Advice needed please!

    Does he have a hole in his skull now or is it flush with is head? I think that would make me pass out if he had a hole. I've seen pictures of that before.
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    Goat with injury to her ear and now acting funny

    Is she current on her CD/T? I would also give a tetanus anti-toxin dose just in case.
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    Electric Fence?

    We have a charger that is putting out 18 Joules on our fence and we have 4 lines of high-tensile fencing with "juice" on it. Top wire - juice 2nd wire - no juice 3rd wire - juice (this one is at nose level on our Boers and Nubians) 4th wire - no juice 5th wire - juice 6th wire - juice
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    Goats with Chickens?

    Additional proof:
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    Should mom do it

    Most, but not all does, will keep their bottoms clean. I did have one doe that tried to keep one of her kid's bottoms cleaned up, but every time she would try, he would tuck his tail under.