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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    Bonnie had triplets - here's a pic!!!!

    Wow! They are almost identical! Congrats!
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    To bottle feed or NOT.....that is the question

    I have a friend who runs a dairy and she lets her does raise their own kids AND milks the does twice a day.
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Our 2 Nubian Doelings - Star and Jazzy (Look, Rolls - Solid Ears!)

    Their ears are a trip. Pee Dee's ears looked ridiculously long when he was their age:
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    pic of our just born Galloway calf

    Isn't that the sweetest looking thing? :D Congrats!
  5. greenfamilyfarms


  6. greenfamilyfarms

    Our 2 Nubian Doelings - Star and Jazzy (Look, Rolls - Solid Ears!)

    The lady we picked up Pee Dee (our B&T Nubian buckling) and Flo (our Alpine/LaMancha doeling) from got up with me and said she had 2 tiny Nubian doelings that she was bottle feeding if I was interested. How could I resist these little faces? Plus, they are not related to Pee Dee. With bellies...
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    Great Pyrenees Chicken And Livestock Guard Dogs

    I would have liked to have seen that. :lol:
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    Mollys Herbals goat wormer

    Molly's Herbals.
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    Mollys Herbals goat wormer

    That's the way we do it. Mix it with the Slippery Elm and molasses (or honey) and mix with their feed.
  10. greenfamilyfarms

    Java Kidded!!! Was Java udder strutted thread.

    It looks like you should have babies within 12 hours. Can't wait to see them! :weee
  11. greenfamilyfarms

    busy day, difficult birth,,, pics

    Good luck telling those three black & white ones apart. :lol: They are adorable. :love
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    Ready to pull my hair out..update...prolapse? New pics pg 4

    So, the Oxytocin didn't appear to help or hinder, right? That's what I would be about to pull my hair out about.
  13. greenfamilyfarms

    Somewhere....Pigs are flying....

    I absolutely love her. Really! :love Flo, our Manchie-eared doeling, is actually only 25% LaMancha and 75% Alpine and has elf ears. Her sister had Alpine ears.
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    Wait! How much milk!!!

    Right now my 2, 4-week-olds are downing 2 gallons pf whole milk every 3 days. I'm investing About $17 in milk per week. It's convienvent and easy (no mixing) and we've had good luck with it. The last milk replacer I used was Purina and that was 2 years ago. The buckling WOULD NOT gain weight...
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    Jacob's Cattle Bean Seeds Trade

    I have some extra Jacob's Cattle Bean seed available for trade for other heirloom seeds (veggies or flowers). Let me know how many seeds you would like and what you would like to trade. These came from the Seed Saver's Exchange. Thanks!
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    Roll Farms' March....Peyton kids - better / dry pic pg 10

    The first buckling could almost be a twin to one of ours born earlier this year:
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    Roll Farms' March....Peyton kids - better / dry pic pg 10

    Me, too. Just don't have enough pasture space.
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    Can't find anyone in my area

    TSC is the abbreviation for Tractor Supply Company. You can find the store closest to you by using their store locator on their website:
  19. greenfamilyfarms

    Can't find anyone in my area

    TSC has some bunnies in the spring. Try calling and see if they plan on getting any in.