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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    She just keeps getting BIGGER...

    :woot Hoping for healthy kidS.
  2. greenfamilyfarms


    That is a chunky kid! Congrats!
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Light Colored, Mucous-y Diarrhea

    At her 2 pm feeding, she was back to normal. Weird. I'm going to keep an eye on her just to be sure. Thanks for the help everybody!
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    Is This Anyway To Feed A Baby Goat?

    My husband would divorce me. I'm serious.
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    Light Colored, Mucous-y Diarrhea

    She gets the same amount (20 oz) every feeding, 3 times a day, real milk. She's active and is her normal goof-ball self, but she is just swatting and having some diarrhea. She doesn't act like her stomach hurts or that she is overly hungry or thirsty. I did give her some baking soda this...
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    Light Colored, Mucous-y Diarrhea

    I have a bottle kid that has light colored (almost white), mucous-y diarrhea this morning. She refused her bottle, but insisted on eating goat pellet. Did she just get too much milk last feeding or is it scours? I've never seen scours that looked this way. Thanks for you help!
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    Kids Corral LB Caramello Blu kidded with triplets!

    I really like the 2nd buckling. He's unusual.
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    New goat!

    Wow, that is really unusual coloring. I love it! :love
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    Sometimes it's goat owners that make my day.... :)

    :lol: Now that's funny!!! I've had somebody ask whey I kept so many "billy goats" at my house. I told them I only had one. They replied with, "But they all have horns!"
  10. greenfamilyfarms

    Calf weaning questions

    When we bottle raised our last calf, she weaned herself at 5 months. I started making a bottle in the morning and she turned it down 3 days in a row.
  11. greenfamilyfarms


    We give our Boers a whole capsule twice a year.
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    WTB: Milk breed doe NC

    Expect to pay $300-$500 for a good dairy doe in milk. If you want a less expensive option, you may want to purchase a doeling instead. Check Craigslist - may dairies will run ads for extra doe kids on there.
  13. greenfamilyfarms


    Mine, too. Yes, it is cute, but won't be cute dead. Give him a chance to live by calling somebody who is trained to handle wildlife.
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    Tagging Goats' Ears

    Tattoos are permanent, ear tags are not. That's why many registries require you to mention their tattoos (in both ears) as a form of positive identification.
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    What do you think of this doeling?

    She looks like she will turn out to have some length and a nice, stocky stance.
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    Advanced Melanoma of the Vulva GRAPHIC **FINAL UPDATE PG 4**

    Thanks for sharing this. This is the first I've heard/seen about melanoma in goats. This does make me want to wear more sunscreen myself since I have fair skin as well.
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    NC Livestock Events for November, Cattle - Goats - Horses

    This stuff was last year - 2010.
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    How to Show a Goat

    I know this is a loaded question, but how does a person go about showing a goat at a ADGA show? What supplies would you recommend? Any tips?
  19. greenfamilyfarms

    Bottle feeding larger goats

    That's EXACTLY what ours are getting as well... at almost the same times.