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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    Happy Birthday! :celebrate Today is mine as well.
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    saanen/boer kidlings born today

    Was the mother disbudded? Does the buck (dad) have horns? Chances are they will have horns UNLESS you have some polled genetics in play with either the mom or dad.
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Ok, I've cried and gotten over it, so I'll tell you what happened to Bonanza. He was born 3/26 (a triplet) and his mother rejected the kids. The breeder was giving him 2 bottles a day via bottles placed in a holder along the fence. He was kind of skinny and a little weak when I picked him up...
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    We just lost Bonanza. He started going downhill this morning. I don't feel like talking about it yet.
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    Do goats sleep with their eyes open?

    A 10-day-old kid should be eating more than 2-ounces per feeding. I'm sorry to see she didn't make it.
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    They are here!!!! :weee We got down there and she had a spotted buckling she GAVE us as well. He was headed to the "meat man" today and she just couldn't stomach sending this guy to him. Bonanza (the buckling) is a little weak since he had not been nursing well and she had been supplementing...
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    If anybody else wants to enter, you still have about 45 mins left. You have until 12:30 pm EST.
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    Our latest additions! PICS ADDED

    I like their colors. They are just "flashy" enough.
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    I'm so excited, y'all! We got a message that our Nubian doelings were born today. She's saving me a SPOTTED doeling - the only one she is selling this year. I think I may cry! I've wanted one for sooo long. Because I'm excited and want to celebrate, I'm giving away a FREE bottle of our...
  10. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Video of our Buff Orpington Chicks (plus a Wheaten Ameraucana) from Today. Enjoy!
  11. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Well, we haven't gotten our 2 new doelings yet but they should be arriving any day. News: Flo, our 75% Alpine 25% LaMancha, doe is bred. I didn't witness the breeding, so this one is going to be a surprise... along with the type of ears the kids will have. She's bred to our Nubian buck, Pee...
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    Great Pyrenees... **UPDATE W/PUPPY PICS on pg 8**

    She had 7 large puppies. They all weighed around a pound each. Here's a picture of what you have to look forward to: A lot more of them growing up if you scroll through our thread.
  13. greenfamilyfarms

    Great Pyrenees... **UPDATE W/PUPPY PICS on pg 8**

    Taken approximately 2 weeks before she whelped.
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    Ooo. That made me cringe. I stepped on a rusty nail as a kid. I know that "irrational psychosomatic" response you speak of.
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Our 2 new additions will be here any day! We had reserved 2 Nubian doelings. I requested spots; hubby wanted solid brown. :P Silly man. Their Sire:
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    Lone Palmetto Farms, Lamar, SC Kidding Specials - $100 each!

    Yes, she has Lav Orps and Coronation Sussex... along with others. ;) She may still have kids available in May.
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    Lone Palmetto Farms, Lamar, SC Kidding Specials - $100 each!

    I have some friends in SC who are starting up their dairy this year and have over 100 does due to kid this spring. She's asking $100 per kid if picked up before 2 weeks of age and she can send ADGA registration papers home with them. Breeds she is offering buck and doe kids from include Nubian...
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    Blue Dog kidding thread**Updated pics pg 4**

    I really like the blue/roan color. Congrats!!!