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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    Lump under ear, is it CL?

    Could be a CL abscess or a salivary gland abscess. There is a diagram of the common places for CL abscesses on this website:
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    RIP Hillary

    I'm sorry to hear that. Meningeal worm? That's a new one for me. :hugs
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    What are those blue pads I see in kidding pics?

    We use just plain 'ol cheap papertowels or cheap white towels that can be sprayed off with the garden hose, then bleached in the wash. Reusable!
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    How to entice a new bottle kid to eat?

    This option has worked really well for us, as well. I sit in a chair (like a lawn chair) and hold the bottle between my legs near my knees. The kid will naturally go towards a dark area (think udder) and will bump you. It may take a couple of days, but the kid will eventually learn to look/feel...
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    SO TEMPTING! Bottle Kid Offer - Update

    So, I've found some local folks that would like to raise some under my Mentorship (if needed). Most of them have raised bottle kids before, so no issue there. I had already planned to go back to pick up a doeling, so why not pick up some of the bucklings and share the deal? The plans are to...
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    When is it too early to sell mama?

    Are they eating grain/hay? Drinking water? Normally we let ours stay at least 12 weeks. Some longer, if they are small or are not eating a good amount of feed and hay.
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    Green Family Farm's Boer Kid Watch 2011 - "It's Finished!"

    Here is a video of all of them out playing this morning.
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    SO TEMPTING! Bottle Kid Offer - Update

    You can see her website at It also has her contact info. If you want the "nicer" bucks, you better get up with her fast.
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    My early Valentine surprise

    Gosh, that black and white coloration photographs really well.
  10. greenfamilyfarms

    SO TEMPTING! Bottle Kid Offer - Update

    Do Alpines have enough meat to even bother processing? I didn't know - I haven't really felt one up lately to see how meaty they are.
  11. greenfamilyfarms

    SO TEMPTING! Bottle Kid Offer - Update

    It's working! Keep it coming. :lol: Well, to be honest, most of them will be destined to be wethers. I've spread the word in case somebody wants one as a "pet." Pee Dee was the "pick of the litter" so far.
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    SO TEMPTING! Bottle Kid Offer - Update

    So, the lady I got Pee Dee (Nubian buckling) sent me a message today and she has 9 more available. She has 10 kids, only 1 being a doeling. Yeah, that pretty much sucks since she is running a dairy farm. :lol: BUT, she offered me a deal - 5 or more buck kids with ADGA papers for $10 each if I...
  13. greenfamilyfarms

    Honaker Farm Kidding Watch: Daisy - KIDDED pg 19

    When I've seen them look like that, they were pushing within a few hours.
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    Honaker Farm Kidding Watch: Daisy - KIDDED pg 19

    I'm thinking really close. Does her vulva stay open like that all the time now?
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    FAMACHA Chart

    We took the course through our Ag Extension Office. I think it cost about $5.
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    transporting cattle panels?

    We actually draped ours over the top of the cab and bed and strapped them down. This was a small Toyota pickup and it worked.
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    Udderly Excited! Possible New Nubian Buckling - He's Home!

    A local photographer wants to use him and some chicks for Spring/Easter pictures. As long as the kids wash their hands to prevent any kind of issues, I'll be tickled to death to have him featured in some pictures.
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    Udderly Excited! Possible New Nubian Buckling - He's Home!

    I just got some much better pictures of him this afternoon. He's not super flashy, but he is handsome and from awesome milking lines. See all of them here: Best of the Bunch:
  19. greenfamilyfarms

    Crusty Noses on New Goats

    It could be something as simple as hay mold allergies, but it could be worse. See if you can get a digital thermometer and check some temps. You'll have to do this rectally. It will be much easier if you have a helper to hold the goat while you take the temp. I would recommend getting some...