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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    Buck or Doe year ?

    4 does, 1 buck out of 3 does. Two more due to kid... so those may be my other 3 bucklings.
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    My Ill Lil is expecting!!!

    Woo hoo! Now a loooonnnnnggggg wait. By the way, my husband got his drawers all in a wad last time I got hay like that. Except it was in the back of a Honda station wagon. :lol:
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Honaker Farm Kidding Watch: Daisy - KIDDED pg 19

    The last doe I had kid acted the same way. Her udder started to fill late Friday evening. By 6:30 am Saturday morning, she was doing what you described - up, down, lay down, pee, hunch up, etc. By 5:30 pm, she was doing it some more but was pushing when she layed down. By 8, we had a kid.
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    Winter Kidding Watch =) Aspen's Turn Pics Pg 59 ALL DONE

    My favorites out of those: The silver colored/buckskin (K2) and the solid white one. :D
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    Is this a Nubian????

    I would most definitely NOT pay $250 for him.