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  1. greenfamilyfarms

    Walnut Hill goaties! Goose 3/2 and Truffles on 3/3 Pics on pg 3

    Those are some nice looking gals you have there. I look forward to updates!
  2. greenfamilyfarms

    purplequeenvt - Ivy Knoll Farm

    I really like sheep and would like to start some one day. I haven't decided on the breed quite yet. Look forward to hearing more from you!
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Autumnprairie's Journal>> NEW Update Today

    I like Cilla's white belly band.
  4. greenfamilyfarms

    pulling kids

    Was your doe bred to a larger buck? Sometimes the kids that result are larger than what the doe can deliver without assistance. Good job on the save, though! :thumbsup
  5. greenfamilyfarms

    Triplet doelings!! *Update new pics*

    Please send the one with the brown face to my address.
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Bunny kidded around daybreak this morning to 2 doelings! :celebrate Absolutely perfect textbook kidding. First born has a tan/grayish-roan cape and second is mostly white except for a bit of the grayish-roan on the back of her neck. Both were born sucking and were up and nursing within 20...
  7. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    I dibudded Penny today. She was my first. It wasn't that bad really. I already had my materials ready so it took me just a few minutes. If I have had doodled around I probably would have chickened out. Speaking of chickens, we had 6 Buff Orpingtons hatch yesterday and one more pipping today...
  8. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Penny sure is a pretty little thing and she's feisty, too. She's still nursing well and has put on some weight. I meant to get her birth weight, but with the issue with selenium, I put that on a side burner. I'll probably start tracking her weight starting when she's a week old. I'm also going...
  9. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    We lost Sheldon during the night. I fed him at 11, went to bed, then got up at 1 to check him and he was gone. I think the disease had spread to his heart muscles because he was breathing rapidly before I went to bed. From what I've found, that's an indication the deficiency affected his heart...
  10. greenfamilyfarms


    The doe in the middle walking towards the camera looks like our doe's twin.
  11. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    AHA! Did you know that molasses has selenium AND copper in it? In 1 cup of regular molasses (not blackstrap), there is 1.6 mg copper and 60 mcg of selenium. Along with good amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and others.
  12. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Just because I thought it wouldn't hurt, I put about a Tbsp of molasses in Sheldon's milk starting this afternoon. The last 2 feedings have went a little smoother and he seemed to perk up a lot since then. He's still weak and thin and I have low confidence he'll make it, but we are both trying hard.
  13. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Penny is up and able to nurse on her own. Sheldon is improving, but it's slow going. He has the desire/instinct to nurse from the bottle, but it's a struggle. He has to be the most difficult to bottle feed of any kid I've bottle raised. So, we're trying the bottle for a few minutes, then...
  14. greenfamilyfarms

    My new Nubian buckling

    He looks like our pee dee!
  15. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    So, they have names. As I watched the buckling's futual attempts to nurse his sister's leg, I thought... "Penny *knock knock knock* Penny"! So, we have a Sheldon and a Penny.
  16. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    The doeling is improving and she nursed this morning until she was full. Buckling isn't doing so hot so I pulled him this morning to bottle feed.
  17. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    Pembroke Veterinary Hospital (910) 521-3431 1447 Prospect Rd, Pembroke, NC 28372
  18. greenfamilyfarms

    greenfamilyfarm's Journal - Nubian Kids are HERE! Pictures Up

    DM had her CD/T booster... ummm... about a month ago? Do you think I should give another and/or the toxoid orally to the kids? The vet is out of Pembroke. I'll get his contact info posted soon. Right now I'm dealing with these 2 kids and 1 biological kid that had some shots today. Here's a...