It's good to have other goat folks are resources - both here and locally. :) I have been referred to another vet who is about 45 mins away who carries the Bo-Se. He's going to have it ready for me first thing tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, I've ordered the Selenium-E gel from Jeffers. I...
Well, the kids are NOT up and at this morning as I thought they would be. I held them up to DM last night and this morning to nurse. The buckling will NOT nurse when I'm holding him, so I have to milk some and feed it to him with a pipette. They have appetites and are trying to get up, but can't...
Drama Mama kidded this afternoon to a beautiful doe and buck. Both are tri-color (black and white with brown trim), but the buck has more white and has frosted ears and a white blaze on his face. Both are adorable, but little doeling is just precious.
I hate to disappoint, but pictures will...
I think Bunny was just teasing me. However, her ligaments are gone and so are Drama Mama's. DM has been laying down with her head in the corner with that far away look to her this morning. She doesn't have any discharge yet, so if she's in labor, it's going to be a while and I'm going to miss...
Nothing real exciting yet. Tomorrow is the date I had jotted down as her due date. I'm going to resist the urge to go out to the barn more than once tonight to check. I'll keep ya updated.
For those of you interested, the SC Organization for Organic Living 2012 Conference is coming up March 10th at Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC. Tickets are $62 for 4 courses and lunch. There are 8 tracks of study this year.
I have this one.It is adjustable, so it can be used for both. You move the bars closer for smaller necks, farther apart for larger necks. The bar...