I now have SIX litters of healthy babies ranging in age from 3 days to almost 4 weeks. I'm ecstatic that my rabbitry has changed into a little nursery rather than the gloomy chore it was for my first few months. The babies grow so fast and i find myself spending more and more time just watching...
I have cut the yarn into small pieces so I don't think they would get tangled in it. It might shed its color a bit when wet though. Just trying to think of alternate resources should the situation require it. I now use wood shavings and hay and will stick with that. Was making a yarn cap for...
I was wondering about alternative nesting material. I am a weaver and I crochet so I produce quite a bit of scrap yarn. I was wondering if that yarn is cut into small pieces so it won't entangle kits if it would be a good nest stuffer. Also thinking about using shredded paper from bill shredder.
My kits are doing great. Large litter almost opening their eyes. Lost one of them that I didn't discover till today. Doe decided to go potty in nest so I cleaned it out. Eight healthy kits there. Cassidy, my other does has six kits and they are growing quickly. Only six days old but squeaking...
Sorry. Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. The gentlemen said he would breed his dogs twice like it was a requirement for a good dog to have two litters. Just wanted him to know that is not the case.
I can't really speak to the question about which breed of dog to get. I have two German Shepard dogs, one male and one female and they are here to guard me. They are fabulous dogs. I also have 18 special needs Dachshunds who make excellent alarms. My other two dogs are walk on mutts that someone...
I use the next larger size from Bass for my New Zealand rabbits. There is not a lot of extra space when the doe is in the nest but she is not going to spend much time there.
Was this your doe's first litter? If so she more than likely didn't know what to do. Did she pull any fur?
I'm so excited! Casper one of my NZW does had nine kits on the 13th and this morning I found that Cassidy one of my NZB does has five or six kits in her nest. Was about to give up on her as she began to pull hair eight days ago. Caspers kits are at the popple stage and they bounce and squeak...