I breed each doe three consecutive days and count 30 days from first breeding day to put in nesting boxes. Each doe uses the same nesting box with new wood floor each time. I did not scour metal boxes as they appeared clean after each lost litter and I knew I would use new wood floor each time...
I use a little bit of wood shavings in box with some coastal hay on top. My does have all made beautiful nests. First day the kits are born I checked to make sure no dead kits in box which meant I touched kits to see that they were alive. Second day I felt of each kit to insure bellies were...
I am a new breeder. I started with five NZ does and three NZ bucks. My first try was with Casper and was a disaster as babies were born on day thirty five one day after I removed nesting box thinking she wasn't pregnant. Next time I bred all five does at once. Casper's litter was fine for about...