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  1. Marie28

    Black silver fox rabbits bucks & does Northern WI w/pictures

    We have four black silver foxes for sale (born 7/8/17). As of now I believe we have two does and two bucks. I will post pictures soon. They are $40 each with pedigree. They have great personalities and have had a lot of human contact.
  2. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Well I tired to sex them today. I'm pretty sure one is a buck,but only because it looked more buckish than the other 3. I guess I need to wait a couple more weeks....
  3. Marie28

    Missing fur on tail

    Today I just noticed our blue buck topaz is missing the fur on his tail. I would say about 80% Its not red and no dandruff. And he's not missing fur from anywhere else. Is it possible its just weird molting or maybe his pulling it off? Its very strange to see a rabbit with a bare tail... not...
  4. Marie28

    Rabbit Overdue

    would the 14th be day 30? Are you sure she is pregnant? Our doe kindled on day 36. I think by day 35 most people would suggest taking to a vet if possible. I know there are herbs that help but I'm not sure which ones. Maybe someone else can help more.
  5. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Quick update! Everyones eyes are open. "spot" and "fattie" are always up front uncovered and are very reactive to me opening the hide-hole. "spot" almost jumped right out today. I wont be surprised if they start wondering out in the next couple days. "spot-ish" and "little black" stay in the...
  6. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Thank you! I did some ready and the white spots do show up in silver foxes. I was hoping for a bigger litter, but I cant complain to much because she is a great mom and we are breeding for our own consumption. When our blue SF doe gets to breeding age it will be nice to have a foster mom back up...
  7. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    They are super wiggly and vocal! I think Topaz (the sire and ruby's next door neighbor) is more upset with us getting them out than ruby is.... Two of them have a small white spot on there head. The parents are supposed to be 100% silver fox (we have pedigrees). Is it possible they are not or...
  8. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Ruby had her kits! She has 4 healthy black ones and 1 DOA. Pictures soon to come. I do have a question, the DOA was very pale grey skin and looked under developed but the same size as the live ones. Does anyone know what would cause this...
  9. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Mama Ruby has finally started making a nest in her hide-hole! I missed getting a picture of her hay staching. Thankfully I decided to but the pine shavings yesterday so I dont have to destroy her hard work.
  10. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Where do you buy them?
  11. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Well Ruby has started making a nest at day 20. Hopefully this is just her way of of doing things and is not a false pregnancy. She has also started to be super friendly asking for attention every time I pass by her cage. Crossing my finger for a large healthy litter! :fl
  12. Marie28

    LocoYokel's kindling thread (aka What the ???)

    :[[ Not sure what you should do for your doe. Hopefully the other people you have tagged have some ideas. Have you tried hold her to let the kits nurse? or possibly giving them some replacement formula? I'm assuming her poop is soft and lake of water drinking is because of the all the fresh...
  13. Marie28

    Which offspring to keep for breeder

    Sounds like the doe is at the age where she is going to have smaller litters. Is it possible to keep the 3 month doe you have until breeding age and see what she produces? Did the older doe have any litters before you got her? Could you ask the breeder how many she had before? I think thats the...
  14. Marie28

    Preferred tattoo method?

    Does anyone have recommendations on tattoos? I like the way the "gun" looks compared to the "stamp" ones. But i have no idea on price or what is actually best for our needs. I would love some opinions on the different types. And then comes the size. We have silver foxes so there ears a pretty...
  15. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    They have a "window" that they can see & smell each other. My husband put them together today and saw 3 fall offs for sure. When he went in to get he immediately went at it again and then just kinda went stiff on top of her. So i think that it would make it 4. I think the kit made more use of...
  16. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Welp he fell off at least one more time. Then he got distracted by us standing by the door so we gave them a little privacy. When we walked back in he was humping her face and Ruby had enough and no longer lifted for him. We will put them back together tomorrow morning just to make sure.
  17. Marie28

    *update video pg 7* Newfreewill Rabbit Adventure

    Breeding Ruby to Topaz today. He fell off once and then seemed to be less interested. took her out and then put her back in after an hour and he did started humping her again but got distracted when my husband moved in front of the cage.... So we will put her back in again tonight and hopeful...
  18. Marie28

    help my rabbits are dying

    No. Rabbits are not really social. Most expert breeders will say that some rabbits tolerate other rabbits better than others. I've heard a lot of horror stories where someone buys the rabbits together and they are fine until one day they are not which results in one or both rabbits being...
  19. Marie28

    transitioning to grass fed and what forage is an absolute no no?

    We have started adding more and more greens to our rabbits diet. They love Dandelion and the young fresh grass. I started looking up the different weeds using an identifier according to our state (google "identify Wisconsin weeds/flowers/plants") and then look up if rabbits can eat it. I watch...