Search results

  1. Marie28

    Rabbit Chew "Toys" and such

    I have been looking into things for our rabbits to chew on. I've found lists of tree branches but sadly none of the ones that are 100% okay for rabbit are on our property. We have a a few black locus trees, but I have found some people say that the branches are not okay and some say just no the...
  2. Marie28

    Mating different breeds of rabbits?

    I would also like to add that the doe needs to be a bigger breed or same size as the buck. It can cause lots of complications for the mama. I don't have any experience with this, but from all the research I have done for my own rabbits, mixing breeds can come up with some fun and interesting...
  3. Marie28

    French Angora & Californian- Jack Frost

    I loved reading this thread. Those kits are so cute! *fingers crossed for Peanut & Cashew! We have three silver foxes that we will be breeding in about 4 months (our doe is 3 month 3 weeks).We are watching our doe closely though because we though we had two does and a buck, turns out her...
  4. Marie28

    Breeding half uncle

    Well its sounds like good news for him! The breeder we got him from said he did have the room for him so he would have to be processed. He has a great personality and we have grown attached so it is a kind of hard for us to know the ending. From what I read its considered oky. I'm just not sure...
  5. Marie28

    Thank you :]

    Thank you :]
  6. Marie28

    Breeding half uncle

    Excuse the mess of a cage. This is the temporary place we put them before putting them in the outside hutch so we could watch for illness.
  7. Marie28

    Breeding half uncle

    The one on my lap is the doe. The one closest to the camera is buck, before we realized he was a male.... They are only 3 months old so we are hopeing nothing happened. We never witnessed actual mating and when we got him & her a few weeks ago I though he was a female....
  8. Marie28

    Breeding half uncle

    I've been looking through here for awhile. Google always leads me here :]] It nice to see some many different types of breeders. This is our buck he is a blue silver fox rabbit.
  9. Marie28

    Rabbit feeding naturally

    We eventually plan on growing (mostly) everything they eat. All research lead us to the need of variety. It not healthy for you to eat one or two things all the time , same goes for rabbits. Pellets have a mix of different things that give them a balanced diet. We plan on using the ingredients...
  10. Marie28

    Breeding half uncle

    We just bought 3 silver fox rabbits (2 does 1 buck) to breed for meat and to sell. Turns out one of our does is actually a buck. He is a 1/2 brother of our doe. The question is if we keep a doe from her litter with the unrelated buck is it a good idea to breed them? We are worried about selling...