I have read about feeding pigs on pasture from my feeds and feeding book but I have never seen any one feed anything but concentrates so those of you who pasture your pigs whst kind do you feed them and do you feed concentrates in addition to the roughages and how long are they on each section...
It seems that people always are talking about the most efficent way to raise them the cheapest and best feeds the price of beef and the new resources for the beef raisers
Well I have nothing against beef raisers other than I think pork tastes way better
But I care more about pork prices becaus...
Thank you for answering my question and saving me time and money on my pigs and I will be using my normally method of hand feeding throughout the growth process because I have gotten good results in the pervious groups I have raised like you said a level feeding plan Is the best
I have my pigs which I buy as feeders and are kept for 5months .so I plan to free feed them for the first 2months so they can gain rapidly, then in the last 3months I will hand feed them, also I will be feeding small amounts of hard boild eggs through out the 5months
This is not the first time I...