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  1. jk47

    its time to go to fair again

    Thank you mysunwolf I hope the judge thinks the same and I well post live to freezer pics of all my animals when I get back like I always do
  2. jk47

    its time to go to fair again

    Poka_doodle are your chickens meat or show birds ?
  3. jk47

    got any good recipe for ground goat meat ?

    I going to have to try that sausage it sounds good
  4. jk47

    got any good recipe for ground goat meat ?

    I got my goat processed the other day and decide to get a bulk of it ground at the butcher so got any good recipes for me to try
  5. jk47

    its time to go to fair again

    im taking my 2 York X to my local fair on mon. I well post pics of my pigs later on but wish me luck getting a good price at auction this year. I also raised a goat,lamb,turkey but that's for another post
  6. jk47

    Ear Notches on pigs

    this link should help you
  7. jk47

    Pigs won't go out to pasture!!

    pigs generally in my experience don't like going to new places. have you tried making walls on etherside with wood so they cant see what's around them when the go down the path or you can try loading them into a trailer from the entrance of there shelter them move them that way
  8. jk47

    One pig taking all the food

    What I do if you hand feeding is stay in the pen when there eating and when the pigs trys push the other pigs just give the pig a slap and do this for both after awile they well say on there own sides of the trough . And for weight gain you can try feeding hard boiled eggs, calf manna, goats...
  9. jk47

    Are my pigs healthy

    well just look on how they act,if you watch your pig enough you can tell which one are well and for feeders I use a metal one that I wire to a fence and I wet my feed on hot days and for wormers I use ivromec injectable and safe guard wormer paste I hope I answered some of your questions
  10. jk47

    Getting my first pigs this week.

    I would suggest a trough feeder wired to fence or an auto feeder also wired to fence or chained
  11. jk47

    people can be rude sometimes

    Reminds me of the other day I got a call for my 2month old pullets I sell There $10 a bird and the guy said if you can buy them all for $70 because the flyer has been at the feed store for awhile . Those birds make me $300 a month no you can buy them for $70. Sorry for the rant but I dislike...
  12. jk47

    Getting my first pigs this week.

    post I pic of the feeder and you can use a auto waterier or if you cant hook up water you can use a nipple attachment on a barrel or use a livestock fount style water. for toys you can use a old hoses and hang them for the pigs to bite
  13. jk47

    Should I pursue a career in AG.

    I do truly believe I have the will and passon to get into the livestock business and I cant think about not being able to work and be around livestock. I think I was just having a little bit of a freak out and a little self doubt because its getting. Close to graduation and I have to start...
  14. jk47

    Should I pursue a career in AG.

    It's my senior year of high school And it's when everyone is asking you what your going to do after your done with high school and I want to get a degree in animal science to work with livestock. And I always hear it takes a special Type of person to become a farmer and I'm starting to doubt...
  15. jk47

    I got my FFA state degree

    I agree FFA is the best program to be in. Im a senior and I have learned more from being in AG. Classes then in any other class and thats what got me into raising pigs and agriculture in general. Its a shame some schools dont want or support the FFA