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  1. jk47

    Getting new pigs to get along, Tips N Tricks?

    Pigs can be really mean to other pigs and its even worse if there not in the same litter or at least raised together after weaning. So I would advise not housing them together I have seen pigs get really beat up by other pigs from there same would be even worse when they have never...
  2. jk47

    taking back my truff from the rodents

    It is true it's like it part of your daily chores. Only livestock people will not think its weird that you have a board in your barn that has different names of vermin and tally marks next to them. I always happy to see them Grain eating disease spreading chick stealing rodents die
  3. jk47

    taking back my truff from the rodents

    I have killed 20 mix of rats and mice last month. So feeling pretty good. Getting my problem under control
  4. jk47

    what did you get on Christmas

    @BrownSheep yeah its always somthing more special when you get baby animals on Christmas then other times.your already in a jolly mood then your in an even better mood. But when saint nick was checking his list twice you got on the naughty list and he stood up and said to all the elves theres no...
  5. jk47

    what did you get on Christmas

    What did your family or friends get you for Christmas or even your animals in the way of Christmas dinner or birthing new animals on Christmas. My whole family pitched in and got me a $200 dollar gift certificate to my favorite feed store. And some of the does from my high school kidded. I must...
  6. jk47

    Newbie to all here

    Welcome from California
  7. jk47

    Avian Influenza WA and OR

    Im with you as much as I want to have my layer flock around if my flock got hit I would have no problem Having them destroyed yes I will take a good hit in the wallet with the egg flow stopping for a while but its not about us its about keeping this under control so no one elese gets hit
  8. jk47

    Avian Influenza WA and OR

    Scary way to end the year I thought it would stay in Europe but then it got to Canada now here. Just another reason to practice good biosecurity on your farm be it a 1, 000 bird operation to only 6hens. Have seen to many people with small flocks throw it away saying oh thats just for commercial...
  9. jk47

    lets see your new piglets

    Its this time of year again when alot of us have sow due to farrow between now and January so as we all know we like to show off are new batchs and who dosent like to look at pigs anyways so post up your sows or piglets for all to see
  10. jk47

    Merry Christmas from SmallFarmGirl

    Merry Christmas and even through you are taking a break from livestock every conversation with any one will no. Doubt end up with you showing pictures and talking about your livestock
  11. jk47

    It's smelling like Christmas!

    I had a Christmas tree and bags of shavings in my truck this week so you can say my truck smells like Christmas now and have a merry Christmas
  12. jk47

    The Incredible Dr. Pol

    That show is defentily one of my favorites to watch.I do think the farm calls are the best. I like that theres a sense of comedy mixed in to the seriousness Have any of you read the book he wrote ?
  13. jk47

    one thing no one mentiones when you start out with livestock

    That's exactly how my family is Gets upset why I leave in the middle Of a get together to feed the pigs at 4 O clock exactly.they say the pigs will be fine getting feed later and why cant you spend time with the family.and why do we have to fit are schedules for your pigs. Some people will...
  14. jk47

    Rasing feeder hog

    Yes 2 barrows should be fine in the same pen and I buy my feeders in march also and have them processed In July. I would advise building your pig pen as strong as you can afford they are sneaky and strong and they will find the weak spots
  15. jk47

    one thing no one mentiones when you start out with livestock

    Well I got a cold today and it got me thinking that no one including me really tells a new person that you have to take care of whatever stock you have no matter what. It could be because I raise my livestock at my high school But people get sick and dont go to school someone else has to feed...
  16. jk47

    Pigs in cold weather??

    i wish i could answer your question but am afraid that were I live the coldest it gets is 50 deg. so I have no knowledge with cold weather
  17. jk47

    How bad is pig feed for goats?

    If the feed is medicated then it might be bad for them depending on what's in it
  18. jk47

    First piglets born....

    Glad your gilt didn't have any problems and don't forget the iron shots for your piglets. I'm expecting a litter this January so I get the worrying never know in tell its over and a little bit after. Also I'm not sure with your skill level with pigs are so this might be old to you but sows can...
  19. jk47

    Pig breeds known for small litters

    Duroc would be a decent choice and would you be using AI or buying a boar because you could check out what people are showing at fairs And breed show pigs those always fetch a good price in my area even checking out feeder pig auction well help you see what people in your area want as a meat pig
  20. jk47

    Pig breeds known for small litters

    I agree if the sow or gilt you buy gives that small of litters then I would mean somthing wrongs. You could sell the extras as feeders