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  1. jk47

    Pet not Pork: am I feeding her enough

    I would feed her a grower for 4months of age.then switch to a sow or maintenance diet for rest of life. feed half a red coffee can each feeding per up to one full can. in tell 200pounds then switch ration and feed a little less then half can . if you want I can check the books and give...
  2. jk47

    Pet not Pork..

    yeah feeder pigs are fun to have and they love their ears scratched. and as I would never keep one as a pet. their are fun to have around for the 6months I keep mine. but sows on the other hand are named and are valued I had one that was basically a pet. and I did feel sad when it stopped...
  3. jk47

    What is wrong with my hens diet?

    do you free choice oyster shell because I have had eggs like that before and calcium fix it also it seems to happen when the hens get older
  4. jk47

    Lean hogs

    Looks like you did get some lean meat and goood weights on the ration You picked. My two pigs I harvested in july that were fed the usual mainly corn/soy ration were 6months old And weighed live 291 and 309 And were muscled and were lean not as lean as yours but a good lean and Boy were they...
  5. jk47

    Lean hogs

    Time for more bacon! And did the diet make a deference in your pigs
  6. jk47

    probotics instead of antibiotic

    I didn't think you were trying to throw a wrench in anyone's plan. I thinks theres a number of different ways to raise pigs and each person has to choose the one thats fits their management style. As long as they produce a good quality product And I also dont want to sway people from pasture...
  7. jk47

    probotics instead of antibiotic

    I more ment raising your own pigs is easer with a concrete pen with a drain. But commercial swine operation are different are dont really get hosed off when the pigs are there And the pigs are dirtery And like always you make a really good argument on pasture raised pigs. And kinda off topic...
  8. jk47

    probotics instead of antibiotic

    I agree with sheepgirl I keep my pigs on concret and ifs alot more cconvenient and cleaner the pens are sloped and all I have to do is hose the manure down into a channel in the middle of all the pens Into a drain and mknight is right if one catches something they all do And i give them certain...
  9. jk47

    probotics instead of antibiotic

    The use of the probitcs could be used in the swine industry instead of antibiotics Due to the consumers concern of meat safety And how healthy it is. Now for my personal opinions the use of probitcs would make antibiotic more effective when needed because the disease cant build an immunity...
  10. jk47

    New member

    Welcome to byh you will be sure to find a wealth of knowledge on the forums and dont forget to share what you know with us as well
  11. jk47

    Piglet Scours - Electrolytes?

    You might want to try a different scour medicine if it isent working with the one you have also is there any chance of a picture because sometimes see what the pig looks like might help
  12. jk47


    Welcome from California theres alot of great sheep people on the forum
  13. jk47

    Piglet Scours - Electrolytes?

    Well electrolytes could help due to the shock and scours and they due sell mixes especially for piglets and you are treating for scours. But dont feed it more then like a week.also what are you using as a scour treatment? Also if the piglets dont get better soon I would suggest calling a breeder...
  14. jk47

    Pig Pictures

    Pigs at that age are fun and they get used to you right quick and get more annoying when they figure out who is the keeper of the grain And I also like the blue buts
  15. jk47

    Hello from New Mexico

    welcome from California
  16. jk47

    PEDv discussion

    Of course china based on the pig farm videos have seen dosent look line boisecruty is o. Thier top agenda And thats good to know about being able to spread through the feed that ones new to me
  17. jk47

    Missed having pigs n pork, so...

    Your gonna have alot of pork after their bred
  18. jk47

    Hello :)

    See chickens are really a gate away livestock you a some chicks then that turned into buying more chicks Then chickens weren't good enough you had to add goats same with me and pigs it all started with my first order of chicks
  19. jk47

    Hi from Northern California

    welcome from a fellow Californian
  20. jk47

    Hi from North Alabama

    Joel Salatin has videos on YouTube about his pigs that might give ideas on fencing just make sure there's no weak areas pigs will find them better then you can and out the fence they go