Its one of the breeds I have heard of but have never seen other then drawings has anyone raised them before and if so what do you like about them and pictures
I dont know much of rabbit feed
But I would look at the feed tag from both brands side by side and look up
In a feeds book or the internet on what the feed requirementzs compare them and if they both have the nutrition your looking for then its just up to personal choice
Yes pedv is one scary proplem that has the abilty to cause a lot of harm
Really fast and it seems like it just came out of the blue
And I hear the vaccine is almost ready it's made by zoeties and will be ready to sell in a month or 2 or one othe company has one two o forgot their name
I have never raised a lamb before but I bought one of my
FFA chapter's lambs at the auction and I never really ate lamb before and now I can say I really like the tast
And this year im going to try and raise on this year but I have no idea what to look for in a young lamb to be raised for...
With the aggressive behavior when your filling the feeder have you tired to throw a couple of handfulls of grain into thr pen first to distract them when you fill the feeder
Sounds like you just might have one one of those kind of pigs
I font know about you but when I get my feeder pigs I spend a good hour or more just standing in the pen eventually l began to pet them and brush them when if their getting to aggressive then my liking I just lightly hit them on their ears and when the get a little older when they do something I...
3year in the FFA and this year is my 4th year I raise Yorkshire X pigs for meat and the local fair
also have 13 layer hens, 25chicks and im going to hatch 81 chicken eggs sometime in October
FFA and 4h is by far the best program to be in at high school and beyond
Thieves must not really have a soul
I mean stealing livestock is like the lowest things to steal not only can animals like breeding stock they can be worth more then the thieves truck/trailer and it steal directly from thr mouths of the owner stealing a couple of beef cattle could cause the...
Yet if you had two bark at everything dogs that ran free around your backyard and got aggressive at people who got to close to your propriety yet if you have chickens
Suddenly someone has a proplem
Yet chickens who are a loud but only certain times of the day not like dogs that are louder and...
Yet if you had two bark at everything dogs that ran free around your backyard and got aggressive at people who got to close to your propriety yet if you have chickens
Suddenly someone has a proplem
Yet chickens who are a loud but only certain times of the day not like dogs that are louder and...
Well has far as I can tell from the market reports that corn harvests were large so the price of corn so low does these mean the prics of feed goes down or stays the same
Yeah a pig that has large litteters
And gives a consitent product would be good but if they make the pigs readily available I would properly buy a couple of feeders just to see if I like it or not the only thing that I can see as a proplem is that the huge lumber companys might raise swine...
An Asian science group is working on a new variety of pig that can utilize waste from the lumber industry instead of corn their making them by spliceing the gene in termites that allow them to digest wood and putting it into the pig genes their working on the pigs so far they have only done it...