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  1. chicken4prez

    All my life I thought air was free... until I bought a bag of potato chips.

    All my life I thought air was free... until I bought a bag of potato chips.
  2. chicken4prez

    It seems like a lot of people joined on May 6th. I know Dan did too.

    It seems like a lot of people joined on May 6th. I know Dan did too.
  3. chicken4prez

    Hi!!! Watz up?

    Hi!!! Watz up?
  4. chicken4prez

    I just laughed so hard

    I just laughed so hard
  5. chicken4prez

    Thanks! That's my Hawk. He was 3 weeks in that pic and now he's 12 weeks and crowing so I think...

    Thanks! That's my Hawk. He was 3 weeks in that pic and now he's 12 weeks and crowing so I think a need a new picture of him. XD
  6. chicken4prez

    Thanks! Well I just found out she has worms because I found a bunch of dead ones in her poo...

    Thanks! Well I just found out she has worms because I found a bunch of dead ones in her poo. *throws up* Maybe! XD
  7. chicken4prez

    Watz up, fellow Canadian?

    Watz up, fellow Canadian?
  8. chicken4prez

    Have I said hi to you yet???? If not, HI!!!!!!!

    Have I said hi to you yet???? If not, HI!!!!!!!
  9. chicken4prez

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your avvy BTW!!!!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your avvy BTW!!!!!
  10. chicken4prez


  11. chicken4prez

    Pretty much same here. I think my piano and singing lessons start tomorrow but otherwise...

    Pretty much same here. I think my piano and singing lessons start tomorrow but otherwise everything's pretty much normal. I do have a sick hen though. :-( I have a professional photographer coming to take some pictures of my chickens possibly on Friday so I'm exited for that. :-D
  12. chicken4prez

    I love your status!!!! <3

    I love your status!!!! <3
  13. chicken4prez

    What's up girl?

    What's up girl?
  14. chicken4prez


  15. chicken4prez


    Following! I rescued a hen from my neighbours flock who was being beaten up by the hens and rooster. Now she's in my pen challenging them to a fight! She came a long way. I'm not sure if you would call this story a rescue or not but one day my hen, Hannah, was walking around and I noticed...
  16. chicken4prez

    Oh no! I'm so sorry. *hugs*

    Oh no! I'm so sorry. *hugs*
  17. chicken4prez

    Well, look who's joining the family....

    Oh no! We have a huge Boxer next door and I'm just waiting for it to attack my babies. I'm pretty sure it killed one last fall.
  18. chicken4prez


  19. chicken4prez

    Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep moving you must stay balanced.

    Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep moving you must stay balanced.