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  1. chicken4prez


  2. chicken4prez

    Thanks, I'll check it out.

    Thanks, I'll check it out.
  3. chicken4prez

    I'm good! How about you? Today we found these HUGE long worms in my chicks poop. *cries*

    I'm good! How about you? Today we found these HUGE long worms in my chicks poop. *cries*
  4. chicken4prez

    Hi! XD Sorry I wasn't on for a bit.

    Hi! XD Sorry I wasn't on for a bit.
  5. chicken4prez

    AWWWW!!!! Your avi is soooooo cute!!!!

    AWWWW!!!! Your avi is soooooo cute!!!!
  6. chicken4prez

    Yeah! They're all Easter Eggers. I'm pretty sure Ebony is a rooster though. :-( Already his...

    Yeah! They're all Easter Eggers. I'm pretty sure Ebony is a rooster though. :-( Already his comb is huge. We also have a Mille Fleur D'Uccle and another EE chick. They're both roosters too.
  7. chicken4prez


  8. chicken4prez


  9. chicken4prez

    I'm good! I hatched my very own chicks last week! Ebony, Ivory, and Sarah. :-)

    I'm good! I hatched my very own chicks last week! Ebony, Ivory, and Sarah. :-)
  10. chicken4prez

    Troyers to Heavens- GREAT SIRIUS, I CAN'T WAIT THREE DAYS!!!

    Sarah Ivory Ebony (Isn't she big?!) Millie @TheKindaFarmGal here's my chicks!
  11. chicken4prez

    BunnyBoxHop's~ Days with the quackers, clucks and the farm

    Thanks! The other one hatched successfully! I'm very tired though because Sarah and the new chick had to have help hatching. The membrane dried so it made it hard for them to hatch. It was very stressful because it's my first time hatching and I had to help 2 out of 3. Sarah only needed a bit of...
  12. chicken4prez


  13. chicken4prez

    How's it going, Laura?

    How's it going, Laura?
  14. chicken4prez

    BunnyBoxHop's~ Days with the quackers, clucks and the farm

    Thanks! Another egg is hatching! It was left in the cold all night when it was in the egg so I'm really worried about it.
  15. chicken4prez

    BunnyBoxHop's~ Days with the quackers, clucks and the farm

    Sarah died yesterday so we named the chick Sarah.
  16. chicken4prez

    BunnyBoxHop's~ Days with the quackers, clucks and the farm

    Aw that's too bad. Thankfully we got a flashlight at Walmart and it works perfectly! One of our eggs is hatching!
  17. chicken4prez

    BunnyBoxHop's~ Days with the quackers, clucks and the farm

    I understand. I just found out that my egg that froze is still alive! I'm hoping it's going to be strong enough to make it through hatching. :fl:fl:fl