Lucky you! Two of my friends just got a dog and another one has two chickens but the rest don't have any pets at all. One of them is so close I could walk to her house and she loves the chickens and the other friend os getting still used to them.
SAME HERE! I can't tell you how many times Rusty did you-know-what with our hens that escaped out of the pen.
And he HAD to do it when my city friend came over for the day. I just hurried her away.
Great! I'm feeling well! We put new wood chips in the chicken coop and opened the summer windows to let in some air. On Wednesday it's going to be 34C!!!!! :th
You're here too?! Yay!
Well Sarah doesn't have to remember everyone in this world. She loves us all the same and just simply forgot to add some people in. You're still welcome here!
How are you doing, Jake? How's the flock been?