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  1. Alaskan

    We hava Racka

    With the sadness..... how is Racka?
  2. Alaskan

    Does she have a milk line

    Is she pregnant? And you think she is due?
  3. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    It truly burns me up that the Rescue place can't force themselves to be nice! :hugs Huge condolences on Crockett. We had a Crockett once... a Mastiff. What breed pup are you getting?
  4. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Still raining
  5. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    With the kiddie pool their feet are always on the ground... The pond has an entrance slope.. but there they don't even want to wade a little. :idunno They do not like floating.
  6. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Guess what... Yep, rain again.
  7. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    In my experience... kill them fast... before they teach the rest of the flock.
  8. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Brilliant! That sounds very doable and I love the free aspect. And yes, I have decided that their night pen will just be horrid... and there we are. I have a pond, and the geese are scared of it! My first set of geese didn't like it either! I REALLY tried to get them to go into the pond...
  9. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

  10. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    Ack! Can you put the remaining chickens into lock down?
  11. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    So much rain... the goose pen is a mud poo swamp. Not sure how to alleviate that. No good way to get water to drain from there. I have to look at it harder...figure something out. Heavy rain every day for a few weeks now. The path I walk to the pond coop is a slick mud trap... hard to...
  12. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    What a huge frustration! :hugs
  13. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Quite possible. Thanks for your input. I guess I will stop thinking that my flock of American Buff are more scared than other geese breeds.
  14. Alaskan

    Baymule’s Journal

  15. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Rain,rain, rain :hit
  16. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    Rain, rain, rain! I wanted the lawn perfectly mowed before winter... and kid #5 only did a half assed job. Lawn was too wet. But it has been raining every day... so... understandable.
  17. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Hummm. OK, thanks. The American Buff are very nice geese... but I had a guest last week... and the geese ran away. The geese will gang up and try to attack/bully my dog. The gander that I knew as a kid would chase and attack and honk loudly at all strangers. And THAT is what I wanted...
  18. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Kid #5 has been working for days on getting a fence, 6 feet tall, in place for 20 or 22 years... out of an alder thicket. Yes, the alders had grown through the fence. He finally got it fully put today. Maybe it is 20 feet? It is that great concrete reinforcing wire. Nice thick stuff... i...
  19. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    So.... is that what you have? Those white Chinese geese??? Do they chase strangers?
  20. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    :barnie :th what an emotional Rollercoaster! What is it, with people no longer being sensible!!! :hugs