Another good sunny day. Nice.
Got some weeding done.
Kids have worked at getting the geese to eat worms and slugs.
Oddly, the muscovy aren't that interested yet.
My to do list this week, is already full... but I have to rehab and check over my white tractor, then also build 1...
So, last McMurray order arrived this morning. Post office didn't call this time. And tracking showed the chicks still in Anchorage.
But timing wise, I was thinking they would be there in Homer waiting for me. So, I showed up at the back Post Office door at 5:45, and yep, chicks.
I have THREE Spitz girls and 5 Spitz boys left over.
The three girls are all mid-range in quality. Some time in the next week or 2 I have to decided with male Spitz to keep, and which to kill.
Because of the incubator oops.... only 2 eggs hatched, both Spitz. Too small to even guess sex...
I haven't ever had Khaki Campbell's. I have had the Swedish... and... uh... others that basic body shape. Never had Calls.
I like the Musvovy the best. Great personality.
Ducklings are insanely cute. I had forgotten how awesome.
Also, #2 son, bride- to- be, and son #5 are now playing with the goslings on the grass in the sun.
Funny listening to the kids make all these baby noises to the goslings. Son #2 ran into the house to rinse off a worm in the kitchen...
Nah! I have 5 left over from the bear attack... I think... maybe 6, have to go count.
But yes, WAY MORE NOW.
Better stop working on the house and start working on fences and coops.
Ok.... I thought I better put what I have been up to here....
So... after the bear attack, since FOUR boys are here this summer and working on upgrading and repairing my infrastructure (mostly runs and fence work) I super bought.
While I was still thinking what I wanted to do my older sister...
:weeeDUCKIES!!!!! I knew I had missed muscovies... but now that the little guys have showed up (5 straight run from McMurray), wow! Muscovies truly are fantastic little buggers.
Happy to have them again.
They showed up with 4 male buff geese.
Wow, ... like giants, in ridiculous toddler...
Yeah, AGE! My birthday present this year was finding out I was losing my sight. Well, it was the day before my birthday...
But, things got better!
I hope your week improves! :hugs
Australops and Orpingtons both have a reputation for being laid back and all around good birds.
I have had Leghorns up here, and they did great in the cold. They were unhappy when we got to -20F, but they did fine. Zero heat, and none died.
You do have to be careful though with who you...
Insert groaning.....
Shipped chicks and ducklings and geese... they say they got to Anchorage at 8am.
I think that means I have to wait until 5am?
I think they only come once a day.
The eggs put into the incubator after the bear slaughter had a LOW hatch rate.... brand new incubator, I was out of town.... so the kid who set it up didn't realize he had to plug the turner in separately..... so, the eggs didn't turn at all the first 2 weeks.
So.... uh.... 2 chicks. Both are...
Well... ÷×_[$% !!!!!!
So, last week I come up to get an eye injection. I drove up Monday, checked into the hotel, and that night became horrid sick with norovirus.... canceled my appointment Tuesday morning, extended my hotel stay by 2 nights... so 3 nights being super sick in a...