Having to do last minute cleaning... someone is coming today to check out our wood stove exhaust.
We had a stack fire last week... so want to get it all inspected... see if anything needs to be replaced.
So... an evil 40 today at my house... but with the ground so cold... no slush... just ice.
So yes... I fell on the way to the car.. :rolleyes:
Not bad.. just a bit bruised on one knee. Ya know... (even before the fall today) I have trouble remembering which one is my "good" knee! They both...
Well warmed up to 40... which means the road started to swallow up cars..
So, shelled out the big bucks, heavy equipment showed up to scrape the snow/slush off the road.
Amazing to me... always how the "it will only take a few minutes"... hours later!
I THINK I have it mostly done... my church music files refused to move over... but I can redo those... I have ... maybe... most of the passwords etc done..
I have deleted the bloatware... refused all the "may...
It would have been good if it had stayed in the 20s.
But... yeah... we hit the 30s...
Town saw rain, so you would think, rain on all the snow would have been full ice... but driving wasn't bad on Thursday.
My house was a little colder, it looked like we held at 32 and under... so nasty very...
Their roof is a pitched roof... and it is metal. It is pitched enough so the snow doesn't stack too deep to cause weight issues...
1. The south side dumps ON the deck, and with a heavy load (which is often) the weight alone will iceberg some of the snow.. so you get an ice sheet on the...
🤣 I have lived in Galveston (when very young) and in Houston (high school) and actually love humidity... I am actually a 7th generation Texian... but.... the number of people moving to the state made me run off up here to freeze my tush!
I was down there again, for a visit in October... too...
Kids said we shouldn't move to the Bahamas... the butter would melt too fast... and I can't live without butter....
Also.... too many people....
Jersey Giants would give a bigger adult chicken, but grow more slowly.
I would do with the Barred Rock. Also, the rock should be a little smaller, so easier on the hens.
But.... personality first! Who is better to the hens and to you?