No kids from Cami as of 7am. My brother will be checking on her about noon and will let me know(he will probably check sooner he loves baby goats, said he has been checking about every hour while I've been working ) unfortunately I have to work...
@misfitmorgan yes that definitely helps! I was out there last night and the kids climbed in my lap and fell asleep
@Wehner Homestead so does her going past due date equal more or less kids lol I can't go by last year because I didn't know which day she was bred...
Let us see if cami holds true to doe code or not. These screenshots are of the weather tonight...yes she is in a barn with straw and a heatlamp set up in the corner
Bella is getting big...wether she is showing her pregnancy belly off or not I'm not to sure but she is getting round lol she also seems to be starting her udder (just enough to get a little "pudge")
now some pics of the boys Charlie with his crazy hair Fox's hair isn't as crazy yet
@misfitmorgan no kids yet... She even has easier to find ligaments lol I can't give you pics of new kids but I can give new pics of kids lol some pics of all the girls/kids
Her udder is filling! Noticeable difference from earlier when I gave her a kidding clip unfortunately I didn't get a pic earlier. Side by side comparison from this past thursday to today
Got some weights on Lillie's kids! (I missed a week for weighing as we had some pet emergencies come up) last weigh in they were
Luigi 7.5lbs
Sarabi 7lbs
Both were taken on 3/16
Weights taken today 3/31/19
Luigi 11lbs
Sarabi 10.4 lbs
Bella loves sarabi and Luigi
Thank you @SAfarm Cami still has her ligaments (they seem to come and go on her) she still hasnt filled her udder yet but is wanting scratched on a bit more than usual
Cami did this a month before kidding last year. She lost her ligs on and off (I couldn't find them at least) udder was filling she even had mini contractions..(think it may of been sympathy labor as moonpie had just kidded lol.) that's great that it came in so soon! How much did he weigh when he...
Ok, explain to me how this works...7:15am barely any ligs looks like she had some point during the day had yellow discharge (says my sister in law) then at 8:45pm her ligs are firmer than they were this morning!:barnie:he can does stop thier early labor type stuff if you move them?
Well I moved Cami to my barn. Can barely feel ligaments at all so fingers crossed she waits until I am home to have her kid(s). Lillie and Bella have become really good friends I think, they and sarabi/Luigi all sleep together. The kids are between the adults (I guess to keep warm)