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  1. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Well atleasat you found out what's going on with Anna. You might could try teat tape. Do you have a TSC near you or a southern states co-op? Both places sell the terramycin. I haven't gone outside yet but last night her ligs were still found,hadn't dropped,nor had she Uddered up. I'm heading...
  2. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Wow, does her udder look full? Are there any other kids that could be stealing it?
  3. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Cami's ligs are getting real soft! So excited. I'm thinking she will have them Friday when I'm supposed to go to NC (I live in SC) to get some goats. Will be gone for about 12hours
  4. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Minisilkys 2019 kidding

    Great job getting him up and going! Did Anna take to them? Congrats on the kids
  5. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Hopefully she has healthy kid(s) today! How are her ligaments?
  6. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    We are at 10 days to cami's due date! She has gotten so grouchy... I almost thought I was going to have to separate her from the rest at one point. She is not a huge fan of anyone(goat wise)near her she will push them away every time,human wise she just stays away from unless you have feed She...
  7. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Thank you! Nothing specific. I used to have horses (one in the photos belongs to my sister in law) so the grass is probably coastal bermuda
  8. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    the stages of trying to take pics posted below then some photos of Cami and Bella attempting to play
  9. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    I'll have to try that. I know it's almost impossible to get a decent photo of sarabi, she never stands still Thanks so am I!
  10. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    crazy kids lol best photo I've gotten of him yet lol I really need to try to get some help to get decent photos especially since he will eat grain out of my hand
  11. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    She had triplet bucklings ranging between 2.5lbs and 3lbs. Those sound like pretty good grades to me
  12. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    photo below left side is from last year roughly a week before she kidded and right side was earlier this week
  13. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @MiniSilkys I did my math wrong it is 19days from that post lol she is due April 1st 15days from now she is definitely a wide load Hope your midterms are going well! sorry it's a bit blurry my phone doesn't do very well when you zoom in on a photo lol
  14. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    this poor girl still has 26 days until her due date^ these kids are so unfriendly so wild I LOVE it! Their mom has even gotten better about being social with me the kids absolutely LOVE their "aunt" Belladonna! She lets them jump all over her!
  15. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Lillie's first 12 hour fill. We had been doing 10 hour fills
  16. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Yep, my other 2 does won't fight her. Cami is the undisputed boss it's fine honestly I didn't even notice that you spelled it wrong lol
  17. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    I would probably go with farm,acres or maybe even homestead. If you are talking about Cami yes she is the oldest. I used to have a photo on my old phone of moonpie with her bucklings on her back lol. Lillie has turned out to be a wonderful mom
  18. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Sarabi loves her mama Photo of grouchy pants AKA Cami. She has gotten SO grouchy. Ran across the pen to head butt Belladonna which is unusual. Cami is without a doubt head doe